Phase X Two X of X the X Hunter X Exam

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Usagi and Killua didn't say anything for a while. They were now running with the group, Gon, Kurapika, and Leorio having not come back yet.

"What do you think of the Hunter Exam so far?" Usagi asked, looking to her left to face Killua.

"It's a bit of a disappointment," He stated, lazily. When Usagi looked confused he continued. "The test isn't all that interesting. All we've been doing is running so far."

"Oh. Maybe it will get more interesting. I'm pretty sure everything will be more interesting once we're Hunters!" She said optimistically.

"How do you know we'll pass?"

"I don't. I just have a feeling we will."

The two continued running up a hill that led to a huge wall. Once they made it to the top they looked back down the hill, searching for Gon, Kurapika, and Leorio. Usagi poked Killua's shoulder, and after getting his attention pointed to their left. Hisoka had carried Leorio up the hill for some reason.

"What do you think happened?" She asked.

"Not sure. I wonder if Gon made it," He stated. Usagi wondered the same thing.

Their question was answered when they saw the two running up the hill. Usagi waved to them, getting their attention. When they got up the hill they stopped running next to them.

"There you are!" She said, hugging Gon quickly.

"We were worried you didn't make it," Killua stated, looking at Gon. The three smiled at each other. Kurapika smiled at the group.

The four walked inside the walls, following Satotz. They met up with Leorio on the way in. They were introduced to two examiners, Menchi and Buhara. Menchi said that this exam would be to test their cooking abilities.

Usagi, Killua, and Gon exchanged confused glances. As if on cue, someone asked how this was supposed to help with being a Hunter and that they didn't want to do it. Menchi exploded over this, and everyone quickly shut up. She said that they were to cook pork from the pigs that live in the mountains.

As the five left into the forest to find a pig, Leorio broke the silence. "How does cooking help with being a Hunter?" He said, a bit of anger in his voice.

"Who knows, at least this is something I'm good at. I've always had to cook for myself so I know a thing or two," She revieled, jabbing a thumb in her direction.

The hunt was going slowly until all of them slipped and started falling down a hill. They all landed with a thud on top of each other, Usagi landing on top. When they got up, everyone stood still, shocked at what they saw. Before them was a horde of pigs, but not just any pigs. These pigs were huge and had huge noses that they used to run into each other! Quickly they ran up the hill, scared for their lives. Everyone else turned to look as the group dashed up the hill, a horde of pigs following.

The pigs were strong and not easy to fight. No one could figure out a weak point, until a pig that was chasing Gon ran into a tree and acorns fell and hit the pig's forehead, knocking it out.

"Hey, everyone! The pigs' weak spot is the forehead!!" He yelled. Immediately people were taking out the pigs, one by one. Usagi jumped up in front of hers before it hit her and kicked it on the way down, killing it.

Pretty soon, everyone else had a pig and were lugging them back to the site. Menchi was surprised that they had gotten pigs so easily.

Usagi set her pig down next to her cooking station. She looked around and noticed how almost everyone was just roasting theirs on a spit, so she decided to do something different. She chopped up her pig and roasted the meat and not the whole pig. She also put on some seasoning for good measure.

When she took a break she noticed that Menchi was failing everyone who brought her some food without even tasting it. Usagi gulped and finished cooking.

When her pork was done she brought a huge plate of it to Menchi and Buhara. Menchi just stared at the food. Usagi was fiddling with her fingers and Buhara ate some and quickly gave her a pass. Menchi eyed the food.

"This is interesting. No body has cooked theirs differently yet," Menchi stated. Usagi gasped when she picked up the fork and took a bite. She could practically see her thoughts on the food. Menchi quickly held up her sign to read "O" for pass. Usagi beamed. "This is the best pork I've had today. Everyone just roasts theirs over a spit, but you actually cooked yours well, so in passing only you, okay?" She clarified.

"Thank you!" Usagi said happily. Menchi smiled. Usagi walked back towards her group and waited.

Once everyone had been evaluated, Menchi stood up and spoke to everyone. "All but one has failed this phase!" Everyone stared mumbling and Satotz went up to Menchi and spoke to her about the phase. Not long after that announcement, an airship appeared and a man named Netero came out and talked to Menchi. He said that she could remain and examiner if she would participate in a retake along with everyone else, to which she agrees.

Everyone got in Netero's airship, taking them to Mt. Split-In-Half, the new site of the second phase of the exam. Menchi explained that they would be getting Spider Eagle eggs from the crack in the mountain and hard boiling them. She demonstrated by jumping in the cavern, hanging on a string, jumping and catching an egg at the right time and being blown back by an updraft.

Everyone stared in shock. The group of five walked to the edge and looked down.

"I don't know if I can do this..." Usagi said, taking a step back.

"Of course you can! We all can do it!" Gon reassured. Usagi smiled.

Usagi, Killua, Gon, Kurapika, and Leorio all jumped into the crack first. Usagi jumped as if she was sitting comfortably and turned to a diving position to grab the string. The group all caught on the string and braced themselves for everyone else coming.

"Do we go now?" Kurapika asked.

Gon shook his head. Four people were too impatient and jumped to their deaths, as there was no updraft to save them. Gon smelled the air.

"Please say now!" Usagi pleaded as the string hagan to succumb to the weight of everyone.

"Now!" He shouted a moment later. Everyone jumped and grabbed an egg on the way down. The updraft came and blew them all to safety. Once they were out they boiled the eggs and Menchi passed the people who were still there.

"That was fun, and these are soooooooo good!!" Usagi stated, dreamily taking a bite of her egg. Killua and Gon nodded in reply.

After they were finished eating they got on Netero's airship to be taken to the third phase of the Hunter Exam.

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