Mystery X Box

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The three sat on the floor in a triangle shape as Gon held up a strange box and explained what it was. Gon handed it to Killua afterwards.

"Oh, I see. So this is the box..." Killua spoke half to himself as he held up the box in front of him. His eyes widened for a moment. "Eh? How do you open it?" Killua questioned upon realization.

"Yeah, I tried a bunch of methods, but it wouldn't open," Gon stated.

Usagi put a finger on her chin as she stared at the box trying to understand it. "It looks a little familiar, but I just can't put my finger on it..." Usagi mumbled as she tapped her chin with her finger.

Killua held the box in front of Gon and asked, "Mind if I use force?"

"Go ahead," Gon allowed as he and Usagi leaned forward to watch.

Killua put the box close to him, got a good grip, said "Okay!" And then desperately tried to open it with force. After a few seconds of intense struggling he gasped. "It's no use. This is no ordinary box. I should be able to twist an ordinary steel box," Killua explained, holding it up.

Gon agreed as Usagi said, "Tch, I knew it was weird..."

Killua glared at her for a moment before continuing with, "I would suggest that the oh-so-amazing Usagi open it, but since we don't know what's inside we can't break the box."

Usagi snatched it out of his hand before he could say another word and lightly shook the box. "It's not making any noise," She stated, turning the box over in her hand. Her eyes widened as she found the missing piece of the puzzle, but in order to see how smart the others were she held her tongue in silence.

"Your dad said to give this to you when you became a Hunter, right?" Usagi mentioned, hinting to what she figured out.

"Yeah, that's what I heard," Gon said.

Killua snatched the box back from Usagi. "Once you became a Hunter..." Killua mumbled to himself as he tossed it in his hands. He tossed it a little higher and it caught a shimmer of light on it. Killua lightly gasped as he too figured it out. He looked from the box to the Nen cuffs around Usagi's wrists. Usagi stealthily nodded at him.

"I get it..." Killua thought. "I figured it out!" Killua said a loud.

"I discovered it first!!" Usagi argued angrily.

"But you didn't claim that you did," Killua countered, sticking his tongue out at her. She puffed out her cheeks and looked away.

"Gon, there's one thing we haven't tried yet!" Killua said, turning his attention to the spiky haired male.

Gon looked confused, so Usagi spoke up. "Something you have as a Hunter that you didn't before!" She hinted.

"Oh! I know!!" Gon exclaimed. Usagi and Killua thought he had figured it out, until he held up his Hunter License that is. "My Hunter License! But there isn't an opening for a card..." Gon ended with a mumble.

Killua and Usagi put their heads down before Killua said, "No, that isn't it..." and Usagi finished their statement with, "We meant Nen, Gon..."

Gon looked embarrassed at his mistake before taking the box in his hands and beginning to focus Nen on it. Beams of blue light began to appear through the cracks, filling the room with a brilliant blue glow, all before tiny boards of this strange material fell on the floor with a clank.

"There's another box inside!" Gon pointed at a black and purple box that had appeared.

Killua nodded and Usagi picked up one of the box's pieces. Killua picked one up as well and said, "They're just steel plates. It appears nothing was connecting them." Usagi smiled slyly because she did indeed know more than them at the time.

The One Thing I Can't Fight  (Killua X OC)Where stories live. Discover now