Plan X And X Attack

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After obtaining Patch of Shore, the group of four left to prepare for their fight against the Bombers who were planning to take said card away from them. Once they had spent around two weeks preparing, they were ready.

They went to where the Bombers asked to meet up with them, pretending not to know anything before they started the chase. The four of them would use cards to go one place while being chased by the bombers before going somewhere else until they had convinced them they didn't have any cards left to teleport.

Feigning being outsmarted, the group was in a secluded forest. Without anytime to lose, they each split up. All except for Killua and Usagi, as they had planned to fight tag team.

The two of them wove in and out of the trees as they guided their poor victim to a clearing where they would fight. Killua and Usagi stood side by side as their challenger approached them, wielding a knife (AN: idk if he had one or not so lets just pretend :P).

The second he pulled out his knife, Killua pulled out two yo-yo's as Usagi put up her hands in a defensive stance.

Without wasting a second, Killua began spinning the yo-yo's before launching one at his opponent, who barely had enough time to pull up his knife in an attempt to cut the string, but couldn't on account of how it was a thick wire; the impact helping the toy swerve and hit the man in his side.

Before he could register the attack, Usagi had appeared before him and kicked his opposite side before jumping into the air, conjuring her wings and floating above him. With a swirling motion of her hands she had trapped him in a whirlwind. Whipping her head over to face Killua she watched him sprint over towards her, so she took her free hand and flicked it upwards, propelling him into the air on an updraft.

Once in the air he sent one of his yo-yo's into the vortex, causing it to spin around the man inside, tying him before Killua used it as a transmitter to send electricity from his Nen down to his target, electrocuting him. Before he could fall back down Usagi had grabbed Killua's arm and held him close to her as they looked down at their victim. Before they could react, he had thrown his knife up at them so Usagi reached out her hand to grab it, but was off by about half a second. With wide eyes she watched as it pierced her skin before grabbing it to prevent it from going deeper.

"Are you okay?" Killua asked quickly.

"Yeah, it's just a scratch," she waved off with a smile before asking, "do you want to do it?"

He looked surprised before replying, "go for it!"

Quickly, she wrapped her arms around his waist before spinning and throwing him down the center of the whirlwind, right at the now defenseless man inside. He put his hands together and pulled them apart, revealing strings of electricity which he then shoved right in his face and chest. Once Killua wasn't coveted in electricity the vortex broke around them as Usagi swooped down quickly and grabbed Killua to stop him from falling any farther.

Putting them both on the ground, Usagi stared at their challenger in glee. "Take that!" she yelled at him, snapping her fingers. Killua walked over to him to make sure they hadn't killed him, which they hadn't but could've easily done had Usagi used her gun.

He looked back towards her before holding a thumbs-up saying, "we did it!"

Usagi brought her arms up to her face, extremely happy for just having beaten the shit out of someone. Killua ran up to her and embraced her as she laughed. "That was so cool!" she gushed as he spun her around.

"Yeah, we were awesome!" he agreed, thinking of their new fighting style. Once they stopped, they realized just how close together they were and separated before they could get too red. Usagi tucked a strand of hair behind her ear before clearing her throat as Killua put a hand on the back of his neck.

After a moment of silence, Usagi stated, "so, since your Nen uses electricity, I guess I could say you're... an electrocutie?" while making finger guns. Killua stiffened up, breathing in deeply while trying to hold in a blush, but to no avail.

"You're such a dork," he sighed, looking away from her.

"Aaaaayyyyy, dorks rule the world!" Usagi stated, continuing shooting him with finger guns.

"So I guess since you're a dork, and dorks rule the world, does that make you my queen?" he retorted slyly, looking at her with a new dominance over the conversation. As she grew intensely red he watched in triumph, hands behind his head.

Suddenly, a groan escaped the guy they had taken down earlier, interrupting their talk. "Can you two flirt somewhere else, please?" he mumbled. "Or just kiss already, either is fine."

"Why does everyone want us to kiss in front of them?" Killua asked, sweat dropping.

"Because it makes them feel better about their sad, lonely lives," Usagi explained monotonously as she sweat dropped too.

"Yeah, that's it," the man stated matter of factly.


Later that day they each met up with their victims. After stealing a card the Bombers had they used it to heal each of them, plus Killua and Gon, Killua having been hurt during dodgeball and Gon during his fight. There weren't enough cards to heal Usagi, which was fine since her wound wasn't bad at all compared to theirs.

After receiving the card an event was held for the final one, a quiz about the cards that Gon won. The group having finally beat the game went to a huge city to celebrate.



Do you guys like their tag-team style, or what?!

I really wanted them to fight together so yeaaaaah haha

Ehehehe everyone ships KillAgi



What do you think so far? I only have one chapter left to write and it'll be an off mixture if the end of the Greed Island arc and the beginning if the Chimera Ant arc, so technically this is the last chapter of the Greed Island arc :D

*throws confetti*


Get used to it, this is mere child's play compared to what I have in store >:3 trust me on this one, and if you're only reading this story because you trust me then props to you man, but at least try to enjoy this story too no matter how slow and monotonous *^*

Sorry that each chapter this week has been a day late :( I really tried

But at least I still posted two chapters this week! So technically I'm still on track!

Lol I hope you enjoyed the chapter, and be sure to comment, vote, and follow if you did; it shows me that peeps like you actually enjoy my writing XD but no pressure, no pressure


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