Blood X Eyes

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After a few minutes of Usagi crying, she stopped and looked at them. "Sorry about that. Sometimes it just helps to get it out after bottling it up for so long," She said. "Well, I guess I'll stop wallowing in my own self pity and lay down, I guess," Usagi finished, standing, acting as if nothing had happened.

She had dried blood stained on her face from when she cried, and her eyes were golden again. She looked at Kurapika and Killua. "I almost forgot that I got blood on you too... Sorry," She said, pointing to them. The two looked at the blood she was pointing to.

"I can wash them when we get out of this place if you want," She offered. They quickly got to their feet.

"It's alright, you don't have to do that!" Killua quickly said, waving his hands. She looked at him.

"Oh, sorry," She apologized.

"Why do you keep saying sorry?" Kurapika asked.

"Sorry, it's a bad habit..."

They all laid down after that and turned off the lights to go to bed. Killua, Usagi, and Gon all got on the futon in that order. Kurapika slept behind a mountain of books on a small chair.

For what felt like almost an hour, Usagi just laid down, staring at the ceiling while having arguments with herself in her head.

"Why did you tell them all that? Sure, they're your friends but- wait, are they my friends..? Did I just tell a group of strangers one of my darkest secrets?! No. I couldn't have! I wouldn't have... No group of strangers would actually care, or even pretend to care. Especially after finding out about these damn eyes of mine. Why do I see the things I see? Is it all just an illusion? Is this world just something that these cursed eyes of mine are producing as a hallucination..? I don't even know why I keep walking forward. I could just end this fight right now and be done with it... NO! If I do that, I'm just a weakling who can't stand up to this bitch called life!" A single, normal tear rolled down her right check.

"Aaaaand now I'm crying. Great. At least these tears are the ones I'm supposed to have. The ones from my dad. I hate him. Why'd he have to leave? Why'd he have to do the things he's done?! To my family... To me! I'll kill that bastard if it's the last thing I do! And then there's my mom, who's part Kurta. She's the reason I have these stupid eyes. I'd rather go blind! I hate my mom, too. And then there's my sister..." Her eyes glazed over crimson, making them appear glassy.

Her thoughts were interrupted by someone poking her shoulder. She turned to her right and saw Killua. He was facing her. "What is it?" She whispered. "Did I wake you?"

"No," He shook his head. "I can go a few days without sleeping. I was wondering how you can cry normal tears along with blood," He asked.

"Oh, that," She stated, her eyes staying golden. "Well, they only produce blood when my eyes are red. I call them my Blood Eyes because they appear because of a genetic mutation I got from my mom-" He nodded in understanding.

"You see, she was half Kurta and my dad wasn't at all. I guess something weird happened to me, because my sister doesn't have it, and we're twins; not identical, that would probably be the death of me!" She explained.

"You'd think I'd have the same pretty eyes the Kurta get, and maybe if that was the case I wouldn't hate them as much as I do, but no! Because of that genetic mutation, my eyes get that way because the veins in my eyes... Break I guess, when I get really sad, angry, or murderous in nature," She explained matter of factly. Killua listened intently.

"That's why I cry blood; the blood needs to come out somehow. So if I don't get a strong enough feeling, my eyes stay gold and my tears are normal," She finished.

"So, if your mom is half Kurta, does that mean you're related to Kurapika?" He asked.

Usagi's eyes widened. "I've never thought about that..."

"Neither have I," Kurapika said, looking over the chair he was sitting in.

"Sorry! Did I wake you?" He shook his head no.

Killua poked Usagi again, and pointed to a pillow then Gon. He picked up the pillow and smirked. Usagi picked one up and smirked. Killua threw his, smirking, but Gon blocked it! "Ehhhhh?!" The two said simultaneously.

Gon popped up, picked up the pillow, and chucked it at Killua. Taking the opening, Usagi threw her pillow at Gon, hitting him in the face. "HA!" She let out. Gon and Killua exchanged glances, took two pillows, ran up to Usagi, and hit her with them both at the same time. She fell to the ground. Kurapika threw her a pillow, so she ran after them with it. They fought for a couple of minutes, then crashed on the floor.

Kurapika was watching them playing, smiling. "So I'm related to Usagi? I guess that's cool," He thought. He looked over at them because they all dropped on the floor, exhausted. Gon was back on his side, Usagi in the middle, and Killua on her right.

Usagi shivered, so Killua took the chance and hugged her. Her eyes flashed opened, and her face turned red. His face was red too, but she wasn't cold anymore and that was good enough for him. "Oh my goodness he's so warm right now I just can't!" She yelled, mentally freaking out. He had his arms wrapped around her waist, and he pulled her closer to him. "OH SWEET BABY JESUS!!!" She mentally screamed. Her heart was beating so fast she thought it would explode. "Why on earth do I feel like this!?!?! Jesus take the wheel!"

Her prayers were answered when Kurapika said something. He had been watching all that and was getting a little protective of his newly found cousin. "Oi, Usagi. Why don't you come sleep over here tonight?" Kurapika half asked half demanded.

"Kurapika, not cool. How embarrassing!" She thought as she awkwardly got up. Killua just limply let go, red as a tomato.

"Well, I screwed up..." He thought. Usagi walked over to Kurapika and sat down. He handed her a blanket and she snuggled into it.

"Sorry, Usagi," He apologized in a hushed tone. "I guess now I know I'm related to you I'm more protective," He finished, sheepishly grinning at the end. Usagi smiled back.

"It's okay, I understand," She reassured. They all fell asleep on silence after that.

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