Regretful X Memory

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The room was dark and had only a few rows of candles lining the wall to supply light. The walls were stone and cold, as was the ground. Other than a few people the only things in the room were torture weapons and chains.

"Is it ready?" A male voice said.

"Yes, it is," An emotionless one replied.

In the corner of the room was a post-beaten Usagi. She was shaking and afraid, though she didn't say anything. A girl in a black dress stepped forwards, grabbed her wrist, and jerked her up.

"S-Sachiko..." Usagi whimpered as her sister dragged her to the center of the room.

"What do you want from us again?" A woman shouted, her voice echoing upon the walls.

"We want you to make her unable to use Nen again."

Usagi's eyes widened, terrified at what they might do to her. Her father walked towards her and grabbed the back of her neck as she hunched over to avoid looking at him.

"The price for this will be big... How about you pay with your daughter?" A male voice suggested.

"You want Usagi?" Her father questioned, not letting go of her.

"No way we want that freak as payment!!!" The same female voice screamed out.

Usagi's breathing became heavy and shaky, and her eyes were about to turn red. "If we are going to help you, tell us why," an emotionless male's voice rang out.

"Because her Nen isn't just powerful, it's scary! Just think of what it would do if she loses control! She has this weird ability... I'm not sure how to describe it..." Her mother began.

"She breaks my toys, and she doesn't even touch them! When she gets emotional her eyes become bloody, and then she can break even more things!" Sachiko spoke up.

Usagi began to panic. "I-I don't know what you're talking about!!! Please don't do this!" She screamed, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"It's too late, you've already killed a few butlers and it's only a matter of time before you kill one of us," her Father said.

Usagi's vision began to blur, and her senses jumbled together. A dark aura surrounded her along with strong gusts of wind.

"D... it... Ika."

Usagi looked up at everyone with bloody eyes and snarled. "I WONT LET YOU!!!" A strange sensation came over her as her dark aura began to subside. It felt like her life was being drained from her.

"Wh-what's happening?!" Usagi thought. Before she could stop herself, she kicked the person directly in front of her in the face. They fell to the ground and the strange sensation paused itself, not getting better or worse.

The person got up, and looked at Usagi with strange eyes. "Usa... gi... e... yo... thr..." the strange person said, but Usagi only caught half the sentence.


"...En... iv... yo... br..."


"... Ive... r... es..."

"SHUT UP!!!!!"

"... Th... ou... rm..."


The rest of what happened was a blur of red and screaming as everyone watched a person amongst them get crushed to death by seemingly nothing. It was Usagi's Mother.

After they watched her die, her father walked up to Usagi and kicked her towards a wall, then chaining her too it. As Usagi lost consciousness she watched Sachiko, their father, and the strange group of four that she didn't know walk out of the room and lock her in.

Usagi curled up in the corner of the wall and held her legs to her chest. Before she lost consciousness she managed to say, "I'm s-sorry..."


Usagis head popped off the pillow as she screamed. Immediately, she saw two people she recognized.

"Usagi!" Yelled Gon.

"Calm down, Usagi! It's okay!" Killua shouted as the two popped off their chairs and ran towards her.

She instantly glomped Killua once he was in close enough range. "Where am I? What happened?"

"After you won the fight against Sachiko she punched you and you passed out," Gon answered.

"How long was I out?" Usagi asked, rubbing her head.

"About a day," Killua answered.

"Wow, that's a long time..." Usagi muttered, taking in her surroundings. She was back in her room, lying on her bed.

"You should've seen how worried Killua was, Usagi!" Gon stated as Killua looked at him in shock. "When we ran out there to see you he immodestly picked you up, and then he handed you to me!" Gon continued, ignoring Killua's hand motions from behind Usagi to tell him to stop speaking.

"The referees had to hold him back because he almost punched Sachiko for punching you!" Gon went on. Usagi had a look of surprise and slight adoration as he explained, all while Killua was signaling for him to shut up.

"And then, once we brought you here, he wouldn't let you out of his sight! He put you on the bed and then pulled a chair up to watch you sleep," Gon rambled. Killua covered his red face in his hands.

"AND THEN-" Gon continued, sticking a finger in the air, "-he told me how worried he was about you! And he wished you were awake so you could-" "GON!!!" Killua shouted, running up and putting a hand over his friend's mouth to stop him from speaking, his face extremely red from embarrassment.

"I think you've said enough!" Killua said, a fake smile on his face and a look of "I'm going to kill you later" in his eyes.

Usagi stared at Killua intently. "Did you really do all that?"

Killua put a hand on the back of his neck. "K-kinda..."

Usagi smiled widely. "Cool."

"Oh, uh, not to ruin this moment of not-fighting, but were you dreaming or something?" Killua asked.

Usagi's eyes widened. "I actually think that it was a memory, and that Sachiko's punch to my head made me remember," She explained.

The two sat on the end of her bed and listened to her explanation of the memory.



I hope you liked the new chapter :3

Sorry it was kinda short, my phone is being a slow ass and isn't doing what I tell it to fast enough


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