Trick X Tower

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Later that morning, Usagi woke up from her much needed nap. What she didn't realize, was that after she had caught up with Killua and they had sat down somewhere to rest, she ended up accidentally falling asleep on him! The two were sitting up against a wall, leaning on each other's shoulders.

She quickly got off of him after realizing that and got a little pink in the face. Killua was still asleep, so he hadn't noticed she had been on him. Usagi didn't know why, but she just couldn't look away from him.

"What in the world am I doing? I don't even know anymore..." She asked herself, looking away from Killua. "My face feels so warm right now... Damn it, Killua!" She yelled internally, realizing that it was his fault. Usagi decided that he was making her face warm because he was warm too, which was her way if saying she thought he was-

"Morning, Usagi!" Said Gon, snapping her out of her thoughts. Killua shifted in his sleep and the two looked at him. "We should probably wake him up," Gon suggested. Usagi nodded, and leaned over to Killua.

She was on front of him and was on her hands and knees. She pushed herself up to him and reached out her hand. She poked him on the cheek, first time lightly, then a little harder. She leaned in with each poke, determined to wake him up. When she least expected it, his eyes shot open and he lunged forward, knocking them both on the head.

"Ouch!!!" Usagi said, falling onto him while holding her head. He held his head too.

"What was that for?" He asked, rubbing his head.

"I had to wake you up somehow!" She defended, pushing herself off of him. She caught a glance of Killua's face as she came up and noticed he was a little pink. Barely, but it was there.

The three got up and reunited with Kurapika and Leorio. Netero led them off the airship and onto a tall pillar. He explained that this was where the next phase would be, and that they had to make it to the bottom of the trick tower in seventy-two hours to pass. Afterwards he left, leaving all of them there. Of course, someone tried to climb down the wall, but they died so that wasn't an option. The only thing left to do was get inside the tower to go down.

"How are we going to get inside?" Usagi asked. Everyone shrugged. Gon looked over and saw that some people were finding hidden trap doors that would drop them inside, so he suggested they did the same.

The five then began searching for the doors. After what felt like ages, Gon, Killua, and Usagi found one and four others around it. She quickly went to go get Kurapika and Leorio.

"Gon found a door!" She exclaimed, pulling them over to where it was. "Apparently we just have to fall through these doors and we're in," She said, pointing at the doors they found. The two nodded.

They each got to a trap door, all of them being close by each other. They agreed to pass this phase and meet up at the end, and then they stepped on their doors and fell through them. They give went crashing to the ground, Usagi landing clumsily on the ground.

"I am just getting hurt all over today!" She stated to herself, rubbing her backside where she hit the floor. When she looked up she was surprised to see everyone was there. "What? How come we're all here?" She asked.

"Apparently we fell on a section that requires a group. See? This one requires five people, and I'm guessing we have to vote on what we do," Kurapika explained.

They all walked toward him and got a watch that had a button with an 'X' and an 'O'. They each put one on and a door opened, revealing a path. They walked through it and were met with a crossroad. They had to vote on which direction to go, and they agreed on 'right'. When they walked through that opened path the five headed down a long hallway. When that came out, they saw a room with a platform in the middle and hallways on either side of the square room.

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