Friends X With X Gon

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When they were on the airship, the four went to find places to sit. Once they had successfully claimed spots for themselves, Usagi went off by herself to explore. She ended up staying in front of the window staring off at the world below, thinking to herself.

"Was he serious? Are we really not friends? I thought we were, but then again, I think a lot of things. I just hope he comes with us. How can he stand to live with them?! Oh wait, he did say he ran away... Then why would he go back? I guess I'll ask him when I see him..." She thought.

"Hi, Usagi!" Gon greeted, pulling her out of her thoughts.

She turned her head towards him. "Hey," She replied, then went back to staring out the window.

Gon walked over and stopped next to her. "Whatcha thinking about?" He asked.

She held her head up and closed her eyes. "Don't wanna talk about it."

Gon looked a bit disappointed as he said,"You looked sad; were you thinking of Killua?"

Her eyes snapped open and she looked down and away from Gon. "And if I was..?" She asked, blushing a bit.

Gon perked up a bit. "Ha! So I was right!"

She glared at him softly, but enough to show she was a bit mad. "Yeah. What about you? What were you doing?"

"Oh, I've just been looking for you! I figured you'd be here," He explained.

"I see..." She mumbled. They were quiet for a few moments.

"I can't wait to see Killua again!" He exclaimed, beaming at the thought.

Usagi looked up at him, a slightly confused look on her face before she looked down at the ground and her expression changed to a soft smile. "Me either..." She admitted, shyly.

"Ne, Usagi. Do you like anyone here?" He questioned.

Her head snapped up and she stared at him, stumbling a bit as she turned to face him while letting go of the railing she had been leaning on. "What makes you ask that?!" She almost shouted, a tint of pink rising to her cheeks.

"Aha! So you do! I was just asking out of curiosity. I mean, you only hang out with guys, as far as I know," He said.

Usagi stared at him, then rubbed the back of her neck. "Actually, I'm not sure. I think I might, now that you mention it... But you can't tell anyone!" She said, a look of confusion on her face.

"Oh, I get it. You don't know what to look for. Who is it?!" He prodded, a look of amusement on his face as she began to freak out.

"Why should I tell?!" She asked, holding her hands up.

"Fine, fine! I'll guess," He reasoned. She nodded, saying that was fine.

"Umm... I'm pretty sure you don't like Kurapika. He's your cousin, anyway! And if you like Leorio I think you need to rethink your standards in guys," He added, laughing with Usagi.

"So that leaves me and Killua, and I don't think you like me as anything more than a friend," He explained.

Usagi's face heated up. "Oh no, he's spot on! If he says it-oh damn..!"

"So, do you like..." He paused to see her face; red as a tomato. "Kiiiiiii..." He held it for longer to annoy her. She looked impatient. "-iiilua?"

Her face turned a bright pink as she looked away. "... Maybe... Like I said, I don't even know myself," She said.

Gon looked pleased with himself. "It's okay if you do. In fact, I think he might like you too!" He added, beaming. "Actually, I'm lying. I don't know for sure, but it's a pretty safe bet."

"Eh?! Who payed you to say that?!" She asked, staring at him.

He shrugged. "No one. So, do you wanna find out for sure if you like him?"

She perked up, interested in what he had to say. "Go on..." She prodded.

"Okay, for this to work you have to do exactly as I say and react how you normally would. I'm going to tell you scenarios," He exclaimed smugly, a smirk on his face.

She blushed at the thought. "Maybe I should get Kurapika to help me..." He thought out loud.

"Nonononononono!!!!! You said you wouldn't tell anyone!" She reminded him.

He smiled. "Okay, that was the first question, and so far you pass. That means you liiiike him!" He said.

She blushed and glared at him. "You're too innocent to be helping me with this!!!" She yelled. Gon backed up a bit.

"I'm just trying to help!" He answered, holding his hands up defensively. The two stared out the window as the sun set, casting an orange glow on the ground below them, and even themselves. He sighed. "I just hope he's alright..."

Later that night, Usagi was sleeping when she had a weird dream that came out of no where. It was about Killua, but something was off about him. There were two people around him, and he was in what looked like the torture rooms Usagi used to be put in. Right before she woke up, she realized he was hurt somehow.

"That was weird..." She thought, putting her hand to her chest to hang on to her heartbeat, as she thought she was about to get Blood Eyes again.

Since it was around two in the morning, she fell back asleep on Gon's shoulder in between him and Kurapika. When she awoke again, Gon was lightly tapping her shoulder.

"Good morning! We have to leave now," He said. She nodded and collected her things before getting off the airship with Gon, Kurapika, and Leorio.

They got on a tour bus that would take them up to Kukuroo Mountain to where Killua's house was. On the bus, Usagi sat with the window to her right and Gon to her left. The two were marveling over what was outside. Behind them sat Kurapika and Leorio. Kurapika was reading a book and Leorio was watching the tour guide.

Eventually, they made it to the base of the mountain.

Hi, everyone :3 thanks for all the reads and votes XP it really makes me happy! Vote if you liked this chapter (Or not. No pressure, no pressure. LOL) Well, later!


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