Testing X Gate

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Once they made it to the base of Kukuroo Mountain, they watched some people get attacked by something in the gate, cussing everyone to flee but Usagi, Gon, Kurapika, and Leorio. Gon and Usagi walked over to an elderly man named Zebro to talk, while Kurapika and Leorio studied the massive gate before them.

"Excuse me, we're friends of Killua," Gon started, pointing at himself and Usagi while she jabbed a thumb back at the other two.

"We'd like to go inside and see him, please," Usagi asked, politely, though she he a look of determination in her eyes. Zebro stared in shock.

"Killua? He's never brought any friends here before," Zebro stated, pondering the idea.

"... This gate isn't locked either, is it," Kurapika said, pointing at the large gate. Zebro smiled.

"Please, come inside," He offered, gesturing to a small one roomed building next to the side gate. The group walked in. "No, the large doors aren't locked. We built the side door because too many people would try to open it. Anyone who enters through the Testing Gate will be accepted, whereas anyone going through the side door will be eaten by Mike, the watchdog."

"How can you open the door?" Leorio asked. Zebro explained that it would require a lot of strength. Gon turned to him.

"Can we go in to see Killua?" He asked, slightly impatient. Zebro looked as if he was thinking.

"Please, sir! We have to see him!" Usagi almost shouted.

"How about you call them first? You'll have to speak to the head butler first, but he may be able to put you on," He stated, after a moment of thought.

Immediately, Gon and Usagi rushed to the phone and waited as he made a call. Not long after picking up the phone, he put it back down and said he couldn't reach him. Gon asked if he could and was given permission. He picked up the phone.

Gon asked if he could talk to Killua, but was declined. He called back, this time he screamed into the phone, and when he still couldn't, he handed the phone to Usagi.

"Hello? I'd like to speak to Killua."

"So I've heard," Said the butler, his tone was slightly irritated.

"Please, it's urgent!"

"What is your name?"

She paused. Their families had hated each other for quite awhile, though there was a chance they had made up since she left... She took the gamble and said,"Usagi Ametsuchi."

There was a pause in the other line. "Please wait a moment and I will contact the house." He came back a moment later. "I'm very sorry, but Killua cannot speak to you at this time. If you like I have been given permission to take a message," He explained, and he truly did sound sorry.

Usagi sighed. "This will have to work..."
"H-hey Killua, it's Usagi... We're coming to get you, so just hang on..." She mumbled.

"Killua is lucky to have such a good friend," He said before hanging up.

"I guess, I could open the gate for you, but only because Killua has never had friends come visit him," Zebro said.

He proceeded to open the gate and let them enter. They walked along a path to one of the servants quarters. Once they walked inside they decided to try to open the gate themselves before going any further. Zebro then gave them each vests that made everything they touched heavier and began training with them.


"Hey Killua, it's Usagi. We're coming to get you, so just hang on," The butler repeated, his words echoing off the walls of the torture room they were in. Killua was in chains and hurt, though he didn't seem like he was hurting as much on the outside.

He perked up some when he heard Usagi's name.

"You're very lucky to have such a good friend; she sounds like a nice girl," He commented. The corners of Killua's mouth curved slightly into a small smile.

"Yeah, she is nice..." He thought. Killua's brother, Milluki, had been in the corner of the room listening to her message. He motioned for the butler to leave.

"Tch!" He said loudly. "You can't possibly think she cares about you!" This just made him smile even more, and he looked up at his brother, beaming.

"But she does! She told me at the exams before I left!" He exclaimed happily.

"Stop smiling!" He ordered, hitting him with a whip over and over, though it did nothing to dull his emotions. At that moment, Kikyo, their mother, walked in.

"Oh, Kil! Why did you have to leave! Don't you know that you're supposed to be an assassin?! You can't have a friend! That would ruin all my plans!" She shrieked.

Killua still smiled. "Actually, I have more than one friend... There's also Gon... But I really can't wait... To see Usagi!" He let out between being whipped.

Kikyo looked mortified. "A girl?! No, Kil! I can't- wait. Usagi? What's her last name? Is it Amestuchi?" She questioned.

"Yeah. So what?" He asked.

Kikyo looked as if she was happy for some reason. "This is kind of okay. You didn't know this, but our family just signed a truce so we're no longer fighting... However, they said that to seal the deal, they wanted someone from our family to marry someone from theirs. I was thinking you could marry..." She paused. Killua was staring at the floor, his eyes wide as he listened.

"...Usagi's sister, Sachiko."

Killua looked as if he had the life drained out if him. He had heard so much about how Sachiko hurt Usagi, so he hated her too. How could he marry her?!

"Why not Usagi..?" He mumbled. If he had to marry anyone from that family, he'd choose Usagi because he knew her at least.

She looked at him. "Because I will not allow you to marry that FREAK!!!" She almost shouted the last word. Killua was beyond angry. "If you're her friend, you know about her little condition. You know what she is. In fact, I wouldn't even call her a her! IT is just a monster that has no control over itself. Do you know what that thing has done!? It murdered its own mother! It has those damn eyes! It is just a mistake!!!" Kikyo shouted, trying to get through to him.

Killua looked as if he could easily stab her again. "No. Don't say another bad thing about Usagi!" He shouted, clenching his fists. She looked hurt.

"Oh, Kil! What has it done to you?! It made you think you were its friend! You're not because you can't! It's dangerous, Kil!" She shouted.

That was when he had heard enough, and he was about to get out of the chains when Milluki whipped him several more times. He lifted his head up to look at her, his eyes burning with rage.

"Usagi isn't anything like that. She is nice to me. She cares about how I feel. She thinks that I'm her best friend! And you're saying I have to give up all of that because you think she's a monster?!" He yelled.

Kikyo looked insulted as she left, leaving Milluki to torture Killua more.

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