Secret X Talk

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The three set off in search of Zushi, and once they found him they noticed he was talking to someone. They were tall, wore a white shirt that was untucked on one side, and had glasses. Gon introduced himself first and asked what the technique Zushi used was, Usagi and Killua just nodded.

"That was Ren," The man whose name was 'Wing' said. The three looked surprised.

"Do you think you could tell us about it?" Killua asked.

"Why do you want to know?" Wing asked in reply.

Killua hesitated, so Usagi answered. "We need to know it because of personal reasons."

"I'm sorry, but I can't just teach random people," Wing apologized.

"What?!" Killua almost shouted. "We have to know it! I need to find out what it is because it has something to do with my brother!"

"And my sister," Usagi added.

"I don't think you should," Wing cautioned. "The training is tough, but maybe I could teach you if you're willing to learn."

"Let's do it," Killua said. Usagi and Gon nodded. They went to Wing's room where he had set up a whiteboard to explain everything. He told them about the four main principles, Ten, Ren, Zetsu, and Hatsu.

"Maybe you three should stay and practice Ten with Zushi?" Wing suggested. The three looked at each other.

"No thanks, I think we're good," Killua said. "Let's go," He whispered to his friends, motioning for them to follow. As they walked back to their room they talked about what they had learned.

"I thought that was interesting, but kinda hard to follow," Usagi stated.

"Kinda hard to follow? I nearly broke my brain trying to keep up!" Gon said, putting his hands on his head. They looked at Killua who was walking ahead of them.

"He was lying, I can tell," Killua said. The two stopped walking and stared at him. "Maybe we could ask him later about it, but I'm tired," He said, stretching.

The three walked inside their room and got ready to sleep, and when they were ready they crawled in the warm bed. Gon was on the left end up against the wall, Killua was in the middle, and Usagi was on the right side on the edge of the bed.

Usagi was having a hard time sleeping, mainly because she was paranoid that her sister would take her back home. She also had Ren on her mind, but that wasn't all that important to her at the time. What she was really thinking of was what Sachiko had said about marrying Killua. She gripped the bed sheets tightly and pulled them close to her chest.

"I don't want that to happen... Was Sachiko right... About me? Am I really a freak?" She pondered that thought for almost an hour before a single tear rolled down her cheek. "She probably was..." Usagi told herself, trying to hold back sobs. "Why am I crying?! I'm so weak... I can't let her get to me!!" She clenched her teeth together, trying to keep quiet, when suddenly she felt something warm on her back.

"... Killua?" She thought as he wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her closer to him. "... He must be asleep... He'd never try to be nice to me if he was awake... He must be cold," She tried to convince herself, but she knew that he cared about her just as much as she cared about him.

"U-Usagi?" He stuttered quietly. Her eyes widened when she felt a slight dampness on her shoulder where she felt Killua's face was at.

"Is he... Crying?" She asked herself.

"... Yeah?" Usagi mumbled so she wouldn't wake up Gon. She could feel his breathing was heavy, as if he too was fighting off sobs.

"I... I," He stuttered, searching for the right words to say as he held her tighter. It hurt Usagi's heart to hear him like this, and she wanted to try to make him happy again.

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