Enhancer X Transmuter X And X What?

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Once they left Killua's room they went in the kitchen. Gon had brought food for everyone. "Usagi? What're you doing here?" He asked.

"Oh, I crashed here last night," She answered, rubbing the back of her neck.

The three sat down and ate doughnuts before going over to see Wing because he had asked to see them the night before. As they walked to his room Gon said,"Did you hear about that man that was killed last night?"

Usagi almost stopped walking. "Yeah, we heard," Killua answered for Usagi.

"I wonder who did it?" Gon stated.

"It was me," Usagi said, thinking that since he was her friend he had a right to know.

"Really? I wouldn't have guessed," Gon said as if it was nothing.

"I guess that's a good thing because you have police officers looking for you," Killua stated, gesturing to a pair of officers who were at where she killed him.

The men looked at the group and stopped them, one of them asking if they knew anything. "They say the killer was female, and young. Personally I highly doubt a child could've pulled this off. If you see anything suspicious tell someone," One of the officers said after they had all said they didn't know about it.

Killua, Usagi, and Gon nodded then walked off. "That was close," Usagi mumbled. "I really don't want to get caught again. The first time I was caught killing I managed to escape, but Sachiko tortured me for that one," Usagi stated, laughing at the end.

The three continued to walk to Wing and Zushi's room. Once they walked inside, they saw the two standing around a table with a glass of water with a leaf floating on top.

"Hello. We're going to find out your Nen types today," Wing stated matter of factly. The three stared, questioningly.

Wing gestured for them all to gather around the table to watch. He explained the five Nen types, then placed his hands around the cup and applied Nen. The water overflowed, meaning he's an Enhancer.

Next was Zushi. His water overflowed as well.

Gon went afterwards. His Nen was so strong that he broke a hole in the glass when he applied Nen. He was an Enhancer.

Then Killua went. His water ended up tasting sweet like honey, so he was a Transmuter.

"Ne, Killua. I wonder if the water is sweet because you love candy!" Usagi suggested.

Killua looked surprised, then happy. "Probably!" He joked.

Lastly, it was Usagi's turn to find out her Nen type. She stood in front of the glass and placed her hands around the cup. As she applied Nen, her aura surrounded both her and the cup. Nothing changed, so she did more.

That was when something weird happened. It appeared that the water was absorbing nearby light and turning black in color. It shimmered as she applied more Nen. Suddenly, very strong winds came gushing out of the cup. Everyone watched in awe as the wind swirled around in the room, right before the glass exploded. Shards of glass flew everywhere, but luckily no one was hurt.

"I don't think that's supposed to happen!" Usagi exclaimed, popping off the floor where she had fallen.

"It's not," Was all Wing said as he recovered his balance.

"What does it mean?" Killua asked, getting up himself.

"It means that Usagi is a specialist. What do you plan to do with your Nen?" Wing asked suddenly.

"I don't know."

"You need to figure that out, Usagi," Wing told her. "Now, Gon! You have a fight with Hisoka today, remember?" Wing reminded, completely dropping the subject of her Nen. Gon nodded.

Since the fight was going to start soon they had to leave to get good seats. "Good luck!" Usagi said before walking away with Killua.

Wing and Zushi sat down somewhere while Usagi and Killua left to find seats.

"That was weird..." Killua said aloud, looking down while doing so.

"What was?" Usagi asked, turning her head to look at him.

"Your Nen. I don't think that usually happens, y'know."

Usagi looked at him with a straight face, then shrugged. "Well, I always knew I was weird," She said, closing her eyes and tilting her head up.

Killua smiled lightly at this gesture before looking back down at Gon.

"Y'know, I'm so weird-" Usagi started as she quickly slung her right arm over his shoulder and pulled him to her. "-That I sometimes question how I even have friends!" She finished.

Killua lightly blushed before putting his left arm over her shoulder in the same way she did. "I often ask myself the same thing!" He exclaimed, poking her side which make her laugh and push him away.

"I'm actually really happy we're friends," Usagi said, looking down so she couldn't see him.

"So am I," Killua thought to himself.

Before they could say anything else, the match started. Killua and Usagi watched in surprise and happiness when Gon punched Hisoka right in his idgit pedophile face. When the fight was over the three met up in a hallway.

"That was so cool!" Killua cheered.

"ENCORE ENCORE DO IT AGAIN!!!!"Usagi shouted while violently clapping as tears of admiration rolled down her cheeks in a very cartoony way.

Gon laughed at all the praise and thanked them for cheering him on, as the two nodded in reply.

The three then started walking back to their rooms, Usagi telling Killua that she was okay and was going to her room. Though Killua protested at first he eventually gave in and let her have his way.

Usagi stood in front of the door and opened it slowly, then she stepped into the very large room. She walked over to the kitchen and sat down on a table. Sighing, she rested her head on her hand lazily. Upon doing so, she noticed a piece of paper on the counter.

"Hm? I didn't put that there..." Usagi said to herself as she walked over and picked up the paper.

Her eyes widened in shock and fear of what was on the paper.

Usagi, if you care about your friends at all, you'll fight me this Saturday. If you win, I'll leave both you and your friends unharmed. But if I win, one of them will be an example of what Father is planning to put you through when he comes looking for you. He's already pissed you killed Mother, and then you ran away and made "friends" that won't even help or defend you when you'll need them. They're useless; virtually walking corpses because it won't be long before you snap and kill them yourself. Have fun stressing over if I'll keep my word.
~ Sachiko

Usagi clinched her teeth together as she gripped the paper so hard that it crumpled up. A dark aura of hatred surrounded her and her eyes turned blood red with malice.

"That bitch..." She mumbled, pure hatred in her voice.

"I'll show her what happens when she threatens to mess with MY friends!!!"


*happy dance*

I'd decided I'd just go ahead and wrote some, mainly because I felt sorry for being gone for so long, but also because I wanted to contribute writing it :3




But now you have to wait and see if Usagi will win or not >:3 maybe I'll turn your happiness of thinking Usagi is going to win into sadness because she loses...



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