The X Beginning X Of X Phase X Four

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After saying that, everyone stared at her in shock. She quickly said she didn't want to talk about it and that was all she would say. Because her face was stained with blood, she got up and washed her face with a rag and water. She acted as of nothing was wrong, but there was, she just didn't want anyone to worry about her.

"Oi, Usagi," Kurapika called to her gently. She looked at him. "Uhm, we had to tell Leorio about your-er-issue because he was asleep when you explained it. He was really worried about you." Usagi's eyes widened.

"Hey! Why'd you say I was worried?!" He fumed.

"Because you were!" Gon stated.

Usagi couldn't stand to listen to them arguing over if they worried about her or not. "Please, stop!" She yelled. Everyone looked at her. "Don't worry about me, 'kay? I'm fine!" She lied.

"No, you're not! I can tell you're hurting inside," Killua said. Usagi brought her hand to her chest and felt her heartbeat. It had a face pace, but it was still beating.

"Yes, I am. My heart's still beating, so I'm alive. If I'm alive, I'm fine. That's all I need to know," She explained as she walked back to the futon and laid down. "Kurapika, can I stay here? I'm not going to sleep anymore tonight, anyway, so I guess it doesn't matter."

He nodded, though he didn't like it, he thought it'd be good for Killua because he was freaking out almost as much as Usagi. They all went back to bed neglectfully. When Killua sat down next to her he turned to face her.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that," He apologized. Her eyes widened. "I know what it's like to have a horrible family." Usagi leaned over and grabbed his arm.

"I'm sorry for you too," She said.

They both leaned back up against the futon, Usagi was still clutching his left arm as she leaned against him. She laid her head on his heart so she could hear it and know that she wasn't completely insane yet. It was fast, but not too fast.

"Why would anyone do that to someone?! I thought it was only my family, but Usagi's? That's just cruel. How could they do that to such a nice person... Did she do something wrong? I guess I'll find out soon... How can she be so warm? I thought she'd be freezing! She's so calm, but how? She was freaking out just a few minutes ago!" Killua thought. He leaned his head against hers. "Sleep well, Usagi."

*    *    *

When they awoke next, there was only an hour until they could leave the room. Usagi managed to get a few nightmare-free hours of sleep, though she woke up a few times throughout the night. Anytime she did, she would let Killua's heartbeat lull her back to sleep. It was a very comforting tune.

When she awoke, she noticed Killua had wrapped his arm around her over the night. "Hi," Killua said after noticing she was awake. She took her head off of his chest so she could look at him, though she didn't let go of his arm.

"Hey," She replied, smiling. The two stood up, Usagi even still clutching his arm.

"Why are you still holding my arm?" He asked.

"I-is it bothering you?" She stuttered.

"No! No, it isn't, I was just curious," He quickly said.

"I don't know, you just help me feel better, I guess," She explained. "Usually, when I have a panic attack I grab my chest where my heart is to assure myself that I'm not insane and that this is real. But, that doesn't stop them from happening. Except, when I hold your arm and feel your heartbeat, it stops those attacks completely, y'know?" She said. Killua nodded.

"Oi, lovebirds," Leorio teased. Kurapika glared at him for saying that while Usagi and Killua blushed. "We should all be getting ready to go. We can leave in fifty minutes."

With that everyone got ready to leave. When the timer was on one minute everyone stood in front of the door. "When we get out, we have to hurry, so let's go for speed," Usagi suggested. Everyone nodded.

The door opened, and everyone bolted out. They went through miles of traps, Usagi never getting too far away from Killua or Kurapika. Once they made it to the last room they only had about ten minutes left. They were told that they could choose between two paths, a short and easy one, or a long and hard one. In order to pick the short one, they would have to chain two people to the wall, because only three were allowed to go through.

As soon as the announcement ended, Killua stepped in front of Usagi. "I have every intention of Usagi, Gon, and I to pass. If you two agree than there won't be any fighting," Killua explained.

"You can't just do that!" Leorio argued.

"I just did!" Killua retorted.

It was then that Gon had the idea to choose the long path and cut a hole in the wall to the short path. Everyone agreed and started digging. Gon went through the hole first, then Killua and Usagi.

Once they stepped in, they slipped and fell. The path was one giant slide! Killua landed on Usagi's foot when they fell.

"OWOWOWOWOWOW!!!! My fooooooot!!! Killua you're crushing my poor foot!" She yelled, her arms in front of her chest.

"SORRY!!" He apologized loudly. He grabbed the sides and pushed himself up and off of her foot. She said he'd when her foot was free.

"BUMP!!" Gon warned. The two stared. When they hit the bump they both popped up, and when they landed Killua was on Usagi's lap.

"K-Killua!" She shrieked, her face extremely red. They slide turned and so did they. Killua was now sitting on Usagi bridal style, and she held him.

"Heh. I think this is a little backwords," He said, a little pink but smirking up at her nonetheless.

"Please don't look at me like that," She asked. Killua did a cat face at her. They saw a light, showing that they reached the end of the tunnel. They swiftly got off the slide, Gon first. Usagi was still carrying Killua.

"Y-You know you don't have to do this..." He stuttered, his face red as they walked out and in front of everyone.

When they called out Killua's name, Usagi almost began to panic. "Zoldyck? Maybe I heard wrong..." The world was in slow motion.

"Ametsuchi? Her? It can't be!" Killua thought. Usagi dropped Killua before going back to her senses.

"I-I'm sorry. I wasn't expecting you to be a Zoldyck, but what's in a name?" She explained, helping him up.

Before they could comprehend what was happening, the five were on a boat to Zevil Island for the fourth phase and listening to an overly optimistic woman explain the rules.

Gon, Killua, and Usagi were all leaning up against the side of the boat. "Hey, guys," She got their attention. "We're allowed weapons in this phase, so do you think I'm allowed to use a gun?" She asked, giving them a glimpse of her silver pistol that was inside her bag.

"Probably," Killua said. She nodded in understanding.

When they made it to the island they were given their targets and were told to set off into the island.

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