Part 3

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*Your POV*
I walked back into the club towards Emily, she was drinking talking to the blonde guy who was with that stupid idiot of a boy earlier. I walked up towards them as she turned to notice me 'Y/n!! Are you okay??' 'Yes yes I'm fine. Who's this fella?' I said ordering a drink. 'Im Niall' he held out his hand smiling, I smiled back accepting the shake. 'What did harry say?' He asked sipping on his beer 'so his names harry... Ah. Right. Nothing honestly he must be stupid if he recognises me'
We continued talking and I was introduced with three other people Liam, Louis and Zayn. Harry was there too, he just kept staring and frowning at my actions.
*Harry's POV*
We had finished in the club, the boys were pretty much drunk and I was the one who had to drive back, once again. The drive was silent as usual. 'She really did seem familiar' the words slipped out of my mouth as Liam had to comment 'AHAHAHA Harry's seeing things boys' they all laughed as I ignored their words knowing they were completely drunk and are going to wake up tomorrow morning now knowing their middle names.
I woke up to the sound of Louis screaming out song lyrics 'shut up!' I yelled digging my head into the pillow. The door was open by Niall 'your mums here harry' I looked at him confused as I ruffled my hair. 'Oh god what have I done now' I got out of bed putting on a fresh shirt and slightly pushing my hair back. I walked down to Liam and my mum in a deep conversation 'what's going on' I say as my feet drag against the floor. 'Goor morning dear' my mum gets up from her seat approaching me giving me a slight hug, 'morning. So why are you hear' I played with my lip piercing as she sat me down 'Harry. I've found you a girl to marry!' My mouth dropped as my eyes widened 'WHAT' 'oh harry it's not that bad, but your getting married. Get changed c'mon were going over to meet the beautiful girl your marrying!' 'mum bu-' 'ah no buts harry, up, change. Now!' I let out a huge sigh and without thinking punched the wall on my way upstairs.

*Your POV*
My dad called me down from my room, 'y/n I need to tell you something' 'what is it?' I question removing my headphones from my ears. 'Well... Your going to be getting married...' My eyes grew in shock. I didn't know weather to feel upset or angry. Maybe a bit of both. 'WHAT?!?' 'Look darling. It's okay trust me.' 'What the heck do you mean 'it's okay' IM GOING TO BE MARRYING A STRANGER!' 'Y/n listen to me! Get changed were going to meet him at the local cafe' 'ugh I fucking hate you!' I grunted as I ran upstairs. Maybe those words were a but too harsh, he didn't take it seriously though considering I saw him roll his eyes at me when I walked up stairs. 'Oi what's wrong with you?' My brother asked from his bedroom removing his headphones 'shut the fuck up' I said with no emotion walking straight past him. Course he came chasing after me 'don't be a moody stuck up teen. Tell me' my eyes began filling up with tears, 'y/n are you okay?' He put his phone down bringing me into a big brother hug. 'Dads making me get married to a stranger Jack...' Small sobs escaped my mouth as he reassured me everything was going to be okay and he was always going to be there for me no matter what the circumstance. 'Look, I'm sure the boys no dick head ok? Everything's fine. I promise you. Now go get changed u idiot' he said punching my arm playfully as he let out a small laugh.
I got dressed and made my way downstairs waving bye to my brother who was chilling on his phone in his room being the normal kind of teenager you expected him to be, 'ready?' Dad asked curiously, I didn't answer him just grabbed my bag making my way towards the car.
We soon arrived at the cafe, we were about to exit the car when 'dad-' he stopped as he leaned back 'yes?' 'Promise me everything's okay? Please?' He smiled softly at me 'remember what I told you some time ago... This was your grandads choice, you said you would keep it remember? You wouldn't want to hurt him would you?' I looked down playing with my fingers, my grandad had died when I was 13, he made me promise whoever my dad chooses for me to marry, I shall marry them. I didn't want to break that promise.
We exited the car when we entered the cafe, we stood scanning the area at first when dad pointed in one direction. 'There' he smiled gripping onto my hand just to reassure everything's ok. He lead me to a table where there was only a woman sitting, she was beautiful, her smile was beautiful. She rose from her chair greeting us.
'Hello loves, I'm Anne'
My dad and her greeted each other while I sat there. Doing. Nothing.
'You truly are very beautiful' she said placing her hand over mine in the table 'thank you' I smiled shyly when a tall boy, familiar looking walked out and joined the table. 'He harry!' Anne said as he sat in front of me. My eyes widened as I remembered his face, he had that kind of face you couldn't forget, those eyes you couldn't forget 'shit' I whispered to myself as he slowly recognised who I was his smile faded 'oh fuck' I heard him say.

I tried swallowing the huge growing lump in my throat, I couldn't. I was marrying him ... That... That THING. God no I was not marrying that. No fucking way.
We pretended like we didn't know each other so he held out his hand offering to shake mine 'y/n' I say shaking it looking down to the table 'harry' his shake was strong, he had a good grip, very firm.
'Oh! Just to let you know you getting married in 2 months okay!' Anne squealed as my jaw dropped. I felt like a huge brick had just hit me in the head. At this point, I wish it was true.
'Two months...'
'We'll leave you two alone, get to know each other a bit better Anne said giving my dad the 'let's go' look. They left as we were sat there alone.
'So....' I said nervously
'I don't want anything to do with you ok' he said sternly making me a little frightened.
'You think I want this? You? Ugh I'd rather kiss a bin that marry you' I scoffed.
'Shut up. Right we have to act like we like each other do you understand?' He said, his fists clenching.
'Fine' I looked down to my hands playing with them as we sat in silence one again.

Sorry that this chapter was so long! It's like 12:30pm and I can't sleep so (; hope you guys are liking this!! :) x will be updating soon.
The 'one direction' reference tho ;D I had to. I couldn't resist.

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