Part 10

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*Harry's POV*
I sighed rubbing my eyes leaning against the wall,
'Why does every girl I meet do this' I said loud enough for y/n to hear.
'You don't care? Oh whatever!'
She rushed last me sniffling her tears away. I was angry yes course I was, course I cared but why? Her life seemed so perfect. Or she was just incredibly good at hiding things. I heard her storm over the the living room, I walked down the hall to see her curled up in a ball,
'Y/n. I'm sorry'
'Your always fucking sorry harry, leave me alone' her voiced lowered as she ended her sentence. I ignored her sitting beside her rolling her sleeve up a little more, I traced circles around her scars. It was silent for a while, you could only really hear her small tiny sobs. 'Why do you do this?' I broke the silence still tracing her scars, some looked pretty new, others a little faded. She got up from the curled ball she was in.
'You can't tell anyone' she snatched her arm away from me taking a deep breath in.
'I won't, I promise' I smiled at her rubbing her thigh just to reassure everything was going to be ok.
'Right, well. My mother left me and my dad when I was 5, things were then on difficult for my dad considering he had to raise me on his own. We became bankrupt and we had to leave our house to go live with grandma. We were happy for about a year, I had started a new school and my dad had found a new job for a computer company, soon that year... My grandma..-'
She stopped her step take falling into tears.
'Shhh. It's okay' I pulled her close to me as she rested her head on my chest, 'you don't have to carry on' lightly kissing her head.
'Well I will' she got up and continued from where she left off. 'Grandma. Right. She passed away, cancer. Lung cancer. She was the inky thing left for dad, he was heartbroken. Long story short, we were both depressed that year. Dad became an alcoholic. That ruined me.' She stopped once again clenching her ape yes as she looked down, it was obvious she tried to hold back the tears. 'You don't need to carry on'
'I have to, it's best to let it all out. I started to self harm... Not for attention nothing like that, my life was slowly falling apart and it still is. I had to go live with my grandad, I loved for him for about a year and a half until he passed away as well, it was a normal death. He never suffered from anything, he was just old. I moved back with my dad. He was noting better but he tried, I was bullied at school but I never told him. I was too scared to. Life carried on, never became better just worse and worse'
She stopped her sentence as she pulled her knees to her chest digging her head between them. I never really thought how much she had suffered. I felt horrible. I couldn't help but cry, trying to hide the tears I looked away wiping them away sniffling.
'Look y/n, I'm always here okay? I promise. I'm sorry for being such an idiot' I held her hand in mine as I let out a smile.
*Your POV*
'Harry, that's so sweet. Thank you' I smiled resting my head on his chest. I hope he wasn't going to go back to being the stupid idiot he was yesterday. I really hoped.
'Y/n.... Can I ask you something?'
*Harry's POV*
She nodded in agreement.
'Ummm... I know were 'married' but... See the thing is. I like you. I have since day 1 I just never wanted to tell you' i looked down hoping she'd say yes,
'Harry, I like you too' she laughed a little as my head shot up
'The relief' I sighed laughing. 'You need to promise you'll tell me if you ever feel like you did before though, okay?'
'Yes, promise'
We stayed cuddled on the sofa for the night until we both drifted to sleep wrapped in each others arms.

The next few chapters may be depressing just warning you 🌚😂
Anyways I hope your enjoying it!
Updating soon x

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