Part 13

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*Your POV*
I waited for Megan at the closest Starbucks, I ordered a vanilla latte as usual, and took a seat scrolling through my social media.
'Y/n!' I looked up placing my latte on the table to see Megan rush towards me,
'Hey love' she pulled me into a tight hug as she ordered.
'So what's new?' She rested her chin on her hand leaning closer towards me. I wrapped both hands around my cup and let out a nervous giggle.
'Well' I started. 'You know the fake marriage?' I fiddled with the ring on my finger looking down at it letting off a smile,
'Well... Me and Harry, we like each other. Sounds bizarre, but I guess you could say were boyfriend and girlfriend now!'
*Megan's POV*
I was so glad to see y/n, I hadn't seen her in forever and I couldn't wait to catch up with everything.
'Well... Me and Harry' I chocked at her words. 'Harry???'
'Y/n what's Harry's last name love?' I tired to be subtle but the worry in my eyes clearly gave it away.
'Styles' my heart dropped into my stomach as I began to feel sick. I was carrying my best friends husbands child.
'Why, what's wrong?'
Y/n's eyebrows furrowed together as she set a hand on top of mine, I jumped at her actions, 'Megan'
*Your POV*
Ever since I mentioned Harry Megan's been acting all funny. Something was up.
'Megan' I set my hand on hers as she jumped, her mouth open and eyes clearly full of worry.
'Y/n... I need to tell you something'
'Go on...' She took a deep breathe in as I lifted my hand off hers fiddling with my fingers under the table.
'Right. I didn't know you were married to Harry. I promise you y/n. I had no idea. Now... I'm pregnant'
She stopped for a second as a huge smile formed on my face 'Megan!! That's Amaz-'
'No. it's not amazing. It's Harry's.'
My eyes suddenly grew with tears, anger, hurt.
'What?! You slept with my fucking boyfriend!? Or even husband if you may!' At this point I was on my feet and everyone was staring.
'Sit down' Megan pulled my hand but I pulled away.
'Don't you fucking dare talk to me again' I grabbed my bag and stepped away slowly until I was out of sight.
I couldn't let harry know I knew.
I'll question him constantly until he speaks up.
*Harrys POV*
'Hey love' y/n walked through the room as I smiled in her direction. Her eyes were puffy and red, he nose was runny and almost as red as her beaming eyes. She completely ignored me and walked over plugging her phone into charger.
*Your POV*
'Babe?' My heart broke as Harry spoke, but when he said 'babe' it shattered me. I plugged my charger into the wall and suddenly broke down. 'Y/n?' Harry came closer towards me as I held my head in my hands, he wrapped his arms around me shushing me a little. 'Hey, what's the matter?' He lifted my head up towards him as he traced small circles on my back.
'I hate you. and your kid'
I stood up making my way out, towards the bedroom with no expression on my face. I felt kind of harsh, but I honestly didn't care about his feelings right now. I know I said I couldn't let harry know I knew, but I couldn't hold it in.
*Harry's POV*
What. The. Fuck.
She knew.
Megan. Fuck. I'm screwed. Anger rushed up me as I stood up clenching my fists kicking a chair out of the way as I walked towards the bedroom door. I heard small sobs escape y/n's mouth. Guilt. Guilt. Guilt.

Yay o.o
I think? 😂
Hope your enjoying it.
Updating soon :) XX

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