Part 26

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*Your POV*
Anne and Harry have been speaking most of the night while Gemma and I giggled away at our little stories we were telling each other, every now and then I caught a glance of Harry staring me but I didn't turn to face him.
The waiter soon came over with our meals, he placed Anne and Harry's food in front of them, then Gemma and finally me a long with our drinks. As I began to pick my utensils up I accidentally drop my napkin off my table just as I was about to put it on my lap, the waited was still standing behind me. He bent down picking the cloth up as he brushed past my leg under the table, shivers traveled up my spine. He then placed it on my lap. Close to my area.

I felt sick.

I could feel Harry's stare burn into my flesh, he was angry, we both knew it. Half way through the meal, a few laughs were shared and bizarre stories told I began to feel unwell. Weak. I felt my face become pale and cold, the tip of my nose probably red. And then it hit me, the cancer. I haven't been taking medication. I stand up rushing towards the ladies room kneeling on the floor, luckily there was no body there when I heard footsteps behind me. I leaned over a toilet and began to let everything out.
I heard the door swing open, but I didn't move. I couldn't. A large pair of bulky big hands collected my falling hair and held it back.
'Shhh, it's okay I'm here'
It was Harry.
I sat straight against the toilet door as Harry helped freshen me up a little. 'What happened? everyone's worried' he stated bluntly.
Oh there is something wrong. I have cancer and your doing jack shit to help yet you have time to go round clubbing and getting drunk.
'C'mon let's go home'
Harry dragged me out the bathroom and into the car without giving me the chance to say goodbye to Anne & Gem.

'What the fuck is wrong with you being so rough!' I scream as I closed the house door behind me.
'Im not being rough' Harry doesn't turn to face me instead he sits himself on the couch.
'Asshole' I snigger sarcastically.

*Harry's POV*
I mean, I knew why she threw up. She hadn't been taking her medication. I'm not paying attention to her because I know I'll get attached and my heart will break once again.
'Hello? Jess?'
'Mhm. Yep. Oh.. Are you being serious?! Oh my gosh that's gre-' y/n was cause on the phone. But I heard a thump on the ground, and her sentence was cut off.
'Y/n stop making so much fucking nois-'
She was on the floor.
'Oh my god no not now oh shit' I suddenly began to panic as I kneeled on the floor checking for a pulse. Nothing.
'Fuck fuck fuck fuck no no no don't do this to me. I need you' tears began filling my eyes, everything became blurry. I took my phone out my pocket and called the ambulance.
'Harry!' Gemma and mum rushed through the hospital doors, they must have been crying because there eyes were red and puffy.
'How is she? Have you heard from the doctors? What's going on? What aren't you telling us?' Mum bombarded me with so many questions I had to tell her to calm down.
'She.. She's uh.. Got lung cancer, I'm sorry I haven't told you. I've been so terrible towards her I've given her no support what's so ever and it my fault she's in this state' I was now bawling. Gemma leaned in for a hug and took my head into her arms.
'Uh. Your the Styles family right?' A nurse came up to us.
We nodded in agreement as she continued.
'Right so, we've done scans on her and everything we can to find out what's wrong. The cancer's spread, fast. We've noticed she hasn't been taking medication because of the lack of fluids-'
'Just. Is she going to be okay?' I interrupted becoming even more impatient.
'I don't know... She's at stage two and unless she has a heart transplant with a doner then she's only got around a month'
Mum covered her mouth and began to sob while Gemma hugged her, I sat here staring into the nurses eyes waiting for her to carry on.
'She needs an operation done by at least next week or, that's it'
And with that. My heart sank into a world of depression and hurt.

It was blind love, she loved him she just never admitted it, he loved her but they couldn't see it when everyone around them could.

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