Part 15

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*Your POV*
I woke up to smell a slight burning smell coming from the kitchen, I jumped out of bed running into the door. 'Oh god' I laughed a little before realising once again something was burning, I expected Harry to be in there trying to get it sorted but no. He was on the phone.
I heard his loud footsteps across the hall way as he showed up with big eyes
'What the fucking hell is wrong with you, ugh I swear your such an asshole! You have a sense of smell don't you?!'
'Well yeah duh' he leaned against the wall chuckling.
Oh wow.
'Oh fuck what's that smell, something's burning y/n. He began to walk out of the room until it stopped him.
How much more of an idiot could this boy get.
'Yeah, and it's your doing, you can't always expect me to clean up after you' my voice lowered as I began to clear up.
*Harry's POV*
I felt bad I woke y/n up. She was right I was an asshole.
'Here, let me do that' I walked in front of her grabbing the cloth from her hand, she didn't say anything just walked off. But she was crying. Why was this girl always crying for gods sake. 'You okay?' She stopped slightly turning back 'yeah'.
*Your POV*
'You okay?'
No I'm not fucking ok Harry. You broke me and you haven't even said sorry. You don't seem to even give two shits about me anymore. You rely on ME to do YOUR crap, you treat me like a blimmin servant and I hate you so much sometimes. You think you know about me but you honestly don't! Harry knows nothing about my life now or in the past.
I walked into the bathroom splashing water on my face. Brushed my teeth, and applied  my make up. I wore a white skirt that came up to my mid-thigh with a lilac crop top, it didn't show much of my skin though. I tried to wear clothing that covered me up more, all this was related to my past but I didn't want to think about it.
'Im popping out for a bit, meeting the boys. I'll be home soon.
love - H :) x'
Harry had left a note on the bedroom door as I sighed walking into the living room. Why was he being so nice. Can he not tell I don't like him right now. I swear this boy had no brain.
'Hello?' I answered my phone with the ID as 'unknown'
'Hello' a deep raspy voice spoke through the phone, it reminded me of Harry's but it wasn't him.
'Um... W-who are you?' I began to feel slightly worried as his voice sounded very. Very familiar.
'I think you know who I am love' his words sent shivers down my spine as I sat up crossing my legs.
'Um... Sorry I have to g-'
'Watch your back. Ok' he cut me off before hanging up. I was now extremely worried and scared.
I need Harry
About half an hour had passed as I heard knocking on the door. The relief that flew out of me was real. It was Harry.
I ran to the door and opened it with a huge smile on my face that slowly began to fade away.
It wasn't Harry... 

Ooooooo cliffhangerrrrr ;D
Hope you guys are enjoying it so far :P
When I wrote 'ID' I first wrote 1D bc these boys have done something to my brain.
Who do you guys think it is?
If nobody answers that let's pretend nothing happened ok. Ok thanks😂

Updating soon x

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