Part 17

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Oh wow I'm so so so sorry I haven't updated forever, well it feels that way, I've changed plans for this story so I hope you like it💫
*Your POV*
'Harry?' I nudged him slowly as small snores left his mouth, 'Wake uppppp' I knelt down beside the couch as he slowly got up rubbing his eyes, 'morning love' he smiled causing his dimple to show and stood up walking towards the kitchen. 'I've made breakfast by the way' I stood turning to face him as he nodded. 'Yeah your welcome' 'sorry. Thank you' we laughed together as I walked to the bathroom getting changed.
*Three Hours Later*
'Y/n!' Harry yelled from the living room causing me to jump a little. 'What!' I shouted not bothered to get up. 'Come here quick!' The tone in his voice worried me a little, I sighed putting down my laptop and walking over to Harry in the living room. 'Yeah?' 'Theres a spider in the corner' he continued to stare at the miniature spider as my jaw dropped at his stupidness. 'What the heck is wrong with you' I laughed walking back to the room, he grabbed me by the wrist causing me to face him. 'Nothing I just missed you a little' his cheeks went bright red 'I was right next door Harry...' I talked to him as if he was stupid as he shrugged sitting down.
'Want some lunch?' I joined him on the sofa as he flicked through the channels on the TV. He shrugged once again. 'Can you like. Talk to me please' he sighed with frustration turning to face me. 'I don't mind' 'are you okay Haz?'
*Harry's POV*
She's never called me that. 'Mums just texted me' I grabbed my phone from my back pocket and read through the message
Hey Harry! It's been so long since I've talked to you. I heard what happened with y/n yesterday... Take care of her okay? X

Hey mum, miss you. Yeah I'll take care of her. She seems fine though.

Harry. She's a girl. Most girls hide their emotions. Just talk to her okay?

Okay, bye mum love you x

'Where'd you wanna go for lunch?' I sat up a little, y/n was staring at her phone slowing scrolling down at what I think was a message.
'Y/n... Are you okay?' I frowned a little moving closer towards her. She looked up to me with glossy eyes.
'Whats the matter?' Her bruised eye forming tears as one slid down her right cheek.
'I-it's my dad... He-he's been diagnosed with lung cancer' my eyes widened at her words, tears rushed down her flushed cheeks. I held out my arms but she refused to fall I to them. She began to pace around the room pulling onto the roots of her hair. 'Oh my god oh my god oh my god' she muttered.
'Y/n... I'm so sorr-'
'No! Shut the fuck up Harry! Why are you suddenly being so nice to me? Do you not remember you got my best friend pregnant? Remember your going to be a father? Remember that I was forced to marry you? Do you not understand, I hate you!' My lips separated as she spoke, her words felt like a thousand knives stabbed into my back, she stormed out the room into the bedroom slamming the door behind her, I felt a part of my heart shatter into small, tiny, unfixable pieces. My fists clenched at my sides as I walked out of the house before grabbing my keys slamming the door behind me.
*Your POV*
I heard the front door slam as I wiped the tear stains from my cheeks. Yes ok, my words were harsh, but I couldn't hold it in anymore. I didn't love Harry, he was a stranger who meant nothing to me, I'd never love him.
I sat on the edge of my bed messaging Logan, my best friend from primary,
Hey Logan, can we talk?'

Hey y/n/n! Yeah sure what's up?

Come round please x

Updating soon promise bc I really like this part☺️💭xx

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