Part 24

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*Your POV*
'Hey Louis!' I ran over to the fairly small but taller than me boy, I jumped in for a hug as he tripped back a little.
'Woahh, someone's exited' Louis chuckles. We pull out of the hug and walk into the café.
'What'd you want?' Louis questioned as we took our seats.
'We've just got in Lou' I laugh as he joins in,
'Right, I know what I'm getting'
'I-I'm not that hungry..' I state.
'You have to have something y/n'
I sigh not wanting to argue, I've had enough of that for a week.
'Okay, fine'
'So, how's you and Harry?' Louis questions as he sips at his coffee.
'Eh... Not the best'
'Why? What's wrong?' His eyebrows furrowed into his face as he leaned closer clearly wanting to know more.
'He hasn't told you?' I question, Harry told Louis everything. They've been best friends for five years, they were like brothers nothing could tear them apart.
'He... Right so. I have.. Well I did have this best friend called Megan. Turns out she was seeing Harry when we weren't really official n he uhh.. Got her pregnant so yeah, were kind rough' I looked down at my mug the whole time knowing if I looked up to his blue eyes I'd burst out crying.
'Y/n... I'm so sorry. I never thought Harry would do that! But hey. There's only four months left of this contract'
I sigh at the thought but it also makes me kinda happy, shocked as well. Knowing I've been 'with' Harry for almost a year now.
Wow times flies.
'Thanks for the ride Lou! We should do this more, it was fun' I smile pecking Louis on the cheek as I hopped out the car.
'Yeah we should!'
'Call me when you get home' I smile before closing the car door, He watches me enter the flat before I turn back waving goodbye once again.
Today was honestly amazing. I got it all off my chest and Louis was so understanding, it's like he knows how it feels. I wonder if something similar has happened to him before.
I place my keys on the stand beside the front door before locking it, I walk down the hallway kind of hoping to see Harry lazing around. But he wasn't here. I sigh at the thought of me being alone as I change into my pyjamas plopping myself in front of the tele.
From: Louis<3
Message: I'm home y/n! today's been great! Day well spent for sure. Goodnight love, lots of love x
To: Louis<3
Message: sure was! :) night Lou, love you xx
I began walking to my room, it was 12:30pm and Harry still wasn't home so I decided to go to bed. Just as I entered the room, the doorbell rang, I sigh going to open it. A very drunk Harry, Liam and Zayn stand at the door holding Harry buy the arms.
'Hey y/n' Liam says smiling.
'Hi' I say bluntly.
'Harry's uh... Very drunk..' Zayn states.
'Yeah no crap' I say looking at the curly haired boy falling all over the place.
'Just bring him in' I leave the door open for them to shut. Walking over to the bedroom sitting myself down on the edge of my bed, our bed might I correct.
'Y/n! How've you been love' Harry slurs walking in my direction falling all over the place.
'Shut up and go to bed' I say as a frown approaches my face, by the looks of it Zayn and Liam have left leaving me to handle this giant.
'Noooooooo! I wanna stay wiv youuuu' Harry pouts.
'Just shut up. It's 1:00am and I'm tired. Please. Go to bed' I walk out of the room when Harry,
'Megan says hey by the way' he states playing with his fingers. The alcohol couldn't have worn off that quick.
'Thought u were drunk?' I say quietly ignoring his comment not facing him.
'No. I just wanted the boys to bring me home'
'Pathetic' I mumble but of course, Harry hears.
'How was your day?' He asks walking in front of me.
'Amazing actually, me and Louis had a great time. It's nice to know there's at least one guy by my side' I felt the confidence build up in me as I stand up to him.
'Oh, cool' I could see the hurt in his eyes, the pain. But I honestly couldn't care less.
'Megan's having a boy as well'
Just as I walk into the living room, Harry decides to break me even more.
'Oh... Cool' I feel my eyes become glossy but shake the tears away.
'She had a scan... He's beautiful, you could see his little nose, I think he's got mine' Harry laughs slightly but his smile fades. I turn once again feeling his stare burn into my back.
'Harry! Why are you telling me this! I don't care. It hurts do you not understand that! It kills me inside knowing your with her! And your going to have your own little boy with her! It kills I have to pretend to be married to you! Well get this, there's only four months left, you can talk all you want about your precious little baby when I'm not around!' I shout tears streaming down my face, vision becoming blurry.

*Harry's POV*
I didn't intend to make her jealous. But, it killed me she went out with Louis. And the fact she was really leaving me. I don't like Megan but course I'm going to love my baby, 'but y/n I-'
'no. I'm done with you'
Tears constantly fall down her flushed cheeks as she walked into the living room lying on the sofa sobbing into a pillow.
'Ill sleep here, you go in the bedroom'
I try nudging her but it's not use.
'Get up y/n'
'Stop fucking arguing and go to sleep!'
She yells curling up into a ball.

I've never been so broken.


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