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Mason POV.

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" When are you going back to New York?"

It was the question that everyone has been asking lately. Alice looked beside me the latest girly smelly perfume that caught her attention. We were at the mall today just because-is there really a reason why we were here? Alice liked shopping and being her favorite brother out of all the others she would take me. If it wasn't me she would take Seth or David. Alice shrugged her shoulders giggling when she sprayed a bit of the perfume on the back of her palm." Hey does this smell anything close to Rosemary flowers?"

Raising a brow she rolled her eyes putting the box of perfume down." I'm not sure. I'm planning to stay a bit longer the office hasn't called me for any important news. So your stuck with me little bro." She laughed spreading her arms wide while we walked down the malls cat walk. I smirked shaking my head at her energetic self. Alice has been here for Christmas and New Years so far making Amber and Graciela more than happy. My mother was more content than before knowing her whole family was here for a Christmas evening also a New Years holiday. My father seem happy and excited that we all had a event to celebrate with our pack.

But during all those events and school days lately I couldn't seem to be excited for anything.

I was craving for only one thing. It's been driving me insane this whole time or when it first began. The ache in my chest was still there the weakness in my bones were all still there. Making me tired than usual; even my skills in football and basketball have failed to impress anyone or coach Greg.

" Come on I know this place that has amazing sushi food." Alice excitedly clapped her hands together pointing at one of the directions in front of us as I snapped out of whatever I was thinking at the moment walking beside Alice when we entered a sushi indoor restaurant. Sounds of people chatting loudly surrounded me, pans and knifes clacking together as cooks moved around their stations flipping cold fish in the air. Alice looked around in wonderment waving her hand around to get a table.

" Excuse me we would like to get a table." Alice said to the woman behind a podium. The woman looked up giving us a smile nodding her head in understanding." Wait a moment while I get your table." The woman said in a accent leaving behind the podium to get us a table. Alice looked my way raising a brow." Have you been getting sleep? It's weird seeing you with under eye bags." Alice pointed out poking at my under eye making me pull away. No I haven't been getting sleep because I have this itchy feeling in the pit of my stomach every time I think about Evadin." I been trying to study lately. Nothing but all nighters I'll be fine." I lied making Alice raise both her brows opening her mouth to make a remark that will probably blow my cover.

" Come right this way." The woman that was behind the podium waved a hand at us making Alice stop whatever she was about to say. Alice follow the woman pulling at my hand making our way to our table. Once we were seated in the far back of the large restaurant Alice took her seat facing me as I sat myself down as well. The woman that I come to know that stands behind the podium, Joyce was are waiter as well." What can I serve you today?" She handed us two menus while taking out a notepad to scribble down our orders. Alice smiled raising her head up at the waiter." We'll have the regular." Joyce wrote down our order smiling once more before departing from our table.

" Alright your telling me everything that has so far happened." Alice ordered pressing her finger down in front of my side of the table. No one noticed us or could hear us from how far we were from the other tables, it reminded me of a quiet room. Raising my hands in surrender I gave Alice a puzzled expression." I have no idea what your talking about."

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