On Our Faults

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Mason POV.

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What Drew said was like a sharp slap across the face. Evadin was gone and all this time I was wondering if he finally left our school to move on or simply stayed home. I knew it was just my mind trying not to accept the fact that he was missing rather than try to find him.

First my mind went straight to Kaleo. He turned off all my senses towards Evadin in order to avoid a lot more damgaging heart ache. It made me question whether he knew that Evadin was missing all this time or he simply didn't have control over my senses." Have you gone checking around other towns? Have you called the police to see if anyone saw him leaving?" Everyone could notice the panic in my voice as I spoke. Drew frowned nodding her head." Of course we did! that's our son missing! we tried every possible way to find him!-"

          " Let's all calm down. Come on, it's freezing here we could all talk inside." Rin added in interrupting Drew whom frowned but nodded at the suggestion. Everyone else seem to be on board with that especially Amy who was wearing nothing but a thin shirt. Drew came forward going inside the house first before the rest of us followed. They're house just as I expected looked the same like the first time I'd been here. To Alice it was all new while her eyes roamed around widening every so often. Maybe because of the latest furniture labeling was around the room not to mention it matched the house perfectly.

           Drew took a seat in one of the sofas that sat across the living room. Amy followed along side her sitting beside her while Rin took a seat in one of the single chairs. Alice signaled me to one of the many other single chairs as I pushed the seat forward waiting till someone spoke up. There were a lot of questions racing through my mind, a lot of questions wanting to come from my lips.

It was silent Rin looking down at the floor a sad expression tenting her features while Drew licked her lips every so often her hands shuffling over and top of one another." He–. . ." Drew started slowly perking up my attention further." He. . . He looked fine. He always said he was fine. . ." A tear rolled down her face rubbing her nose with her palm. Amy looked like she was about to cry as well but held it in, seeing them like this made me feel extremely guilty.

Why was I so stupid!?

Why didn't I try harder!?

" You know. . . ever since Evadin was just a little boy he would always try to make us happy. Always try to keep the small family bond we had back then. He's still like that. . . even when he was sad, he would always try to stay happy, always stay strong. He would always keep up a strong stance for little May and Ana, June. Heck, even Kally sometimes." She chuckled at the end wiping her eye sniffing. I let Drew have her moment continue on to what she wanted to say next." But he wasn't happy. . .he was sad, angry. I saw it during New Years and Christmas, he would just stare into space, wouldn't pay attention to anything really. For Christmas I brought him a new art book, he never touched it or tried to sketch something. When he did, he would always erase it."

           Drew squeezed her eyes shut her hands shaking every so often Amy's too. Alice took a glance at me looking just as lost for words than I was. I didn't know what to say to make them feel better. No one did. All we could do was express ourselves. My stomach kept twisting, turning doing flip flops from inside out." I should of pay more attention. . . I should of–" Drew was beating herself up of the idea of not being there for Evadin. It wasn't true. Evadin was tricky when it came down to his emotions, he never expressed any. Well truly anyway. When he smiled, it wasn't genuine. When he was sad he would distract himself in things he enjoyed. You couldn't catch him in a moment where he felt hopeless.

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