The Call.

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Mason's POV.

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" This is getting ridiculous. "

A hand laid on top of my head while the other limply laid on my stomach thinking over the events that just happened nothing more but a few hours ago. My mother texted me saying something about me being late for dinner and how hard she will slap me across the face leaving a red mark in the process.

My mind was racing with thoughts that couldn't be actual answers to my curious questions. I couldn't think of why I wanted to hangout with Evadin so badly. It was just a temption a very strong temption. Even with his nasty arguments he always seemed to entertain me, even if we argue about a hundred things together being in his presence made me comfortable.

And that was the problem.

Not only do these weird strong urgues continue on to the point where every time I'm in my locker I have to at least see if Evadin was behind across the same hallway as me.

Evadin Walker.


" Hey Dave." I stopped by Davids classroom after school ended just to talk to him seeing as he was my half brother. Even if he was twice as older than me he and me always had a good friendship growing up. Like Jackson and Seth but those two always found a way to annoy the crap out of me. Daivd looked up from the piles of paperwork on his desk where he was currently checking over a stack.

" What's up Mason?"

David asked in his usual casual voice that always gave him the easy-going feeling to his students, friends and family. It always made Mason at ease when he wanted to find out something or just a simple talk or confession with David. Because, he knew David will be the only one to understand him and give him truthworthy advice than a half-hearted answer or opinion. David looked up curiously to see Mason playing around with his fingernails. David always knew if I was doing that, I was somewhat nervous.

" Did you get in trouble again with your mother?"

He asked as he looked back down at the stack of papers marking red check marks on answers that were correct." Um. . . no I was just wondering about something." David arched a eyebrow the frame of his glasses slightly pointing down of the bridge of his nose." Go on I'm listening." David chanted off continuing on with his grading." Uh I was wondering about one of your students. I just wanted to-"

" Mason, I'm not going to hook you up with one of my students if that's what your asking." David countered making me roll my eyes." No its not that. One of your students is one of the victims I bully. I was just wondering his real name, not the name people always give him." David looked up giving me a weird look before he sighed and crossed his arms around his chest." Mason I love you as a brother and everything but we've had this talk before. Stop bullying the poor kid. He is one of my good students whom already suffers through enough bullying. So if I give you his 'real name' you'll just make fun of it or either use it against him into another one of your pranks that I will not tolerate. "

David lecture he looked determine maybe one of Davids favorite students. I knew that bullying Evadin was stupid and childish but I couldn't help it. He just angers me into doing it. Or everyone for that fact. But that doesn't stop me into getting his name." Come on Dave. If I promise that I won't bully him for at least a month would you agree to it?"

" How about leave him alone forever and I'll give you the name."

" Dave~~"

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