Take The Blame.

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                                Evadin POV

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Guard of each as usual held onto my forearms.

Bernie has called upon me again and fear struck right up my spine. I didn't want to re-do what happened yesterday. But I couldn't help the wanting in me to find answers of this legend. If Bernie controls everything in this hell then he must know about the legends told amongst the people here, or know that it actually happened.

        Guards heading their way to the elevator we went through the glass scan first before stopping at the guard scanning station. The guard that was on my right roughly let go of my arm to talk to one of the other guards standing near the scanner. The other guard beside me looked annoyed out of his mind as the two guards afar from us but not as far started arguing with each other. Great. Their conversation wasn't too overheard but it was getting louder over the second.

       " Just get those two up to Bernie now. .! We don't need this type of bullsh*t right now since he wants his boytoy all the sudden." Offended I glared at the guards backside knowing he wasn't looking right directly at me but it was one way of reassuring myself that I could still show off my anger. The two guards kept whispering harshly towards each other about something that was inaudible nothing could be heard as the guard from before came to a conclusion with his partner walking towards me as he pushed me towards the scanner, the green ray of light scanning from head to toe before letting me pass through to the other side of the main hall. The guard pushed his way through the scanner glaring at his fellow partner that he just argued with." Get those two up there, if Bernie won't listen then will bring them to him in person." The way the guard said it to his partner was serious and sound like he was going to personally murder him if he didn't do what he was ordered to do.

       The guard resumed his grip onto my forearm making me snap my attention back to the surroundings in front of me seeing the main hall empty. The guards dragged me along the hall till we were reaching the end. What the guard had said only kept replaying in my head which meant that I will either be involved in the situation or either be a witness, seeing everything go down before my eyes. The sound of yelling and barks of orders were echoing off the walls making me take a peek in back of us to see guards yelling at each other slamming their fist against the metal scanner. I felt the sharp pinch on my forearm making me flinch seeing as the guard was glaring down at me a fair warning not to pay attention to what was happening in back of us. Which only made me more curious to know what the hell was going on between all the guards.

          The guards including myself entered the elevator the doors closing before us as my eyes only stared down at the floor. It was the usual thing I saw nowadays, the cold dark pale green floors that not only carried the filth and dirt upon them but the marks of those who were here, marks that held a different story to a different situation. The vibration to the elevator going floors up only made my adrenaline speed up even quicker and my hands slightly shake. I didn't let my fear of Bernie get in the way though, I wasn't afraid of Bernie, I was afraid of what he was capable of. He was capable of many things, and those were things I couldn't control nor have any accuses to.

       The elevator came to a blurt stop making the elevator come to a shrieking stop. My head lolled to the side a bit from the dizziness that came with the stop of the elevator as the guards stepped out of the elevator that led into the abandon looking lab. We went through the ghostly hall just like I had remembered it walking down a row of other halls before coming to a door a door I was too familiar with. The guard on my left glanced on the guard on my right simply giving him a head nudge towards the door both thinking over their actions before the guard on my left was knocking on the door not too rough nor too soft." Sir!" The guard yelled out while stopping his knocking all together.

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