Never Given Up

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                         Mason POV

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" Dude your so out of it."

Snapping my head up I looked over at Luke who was flicking me on the shoulder only adding up the annoyance inside me. Luke was frowning but put it aside him looking over at Noah who was throwing a football around in the air before passing it to Luke who caught it without much of an effort.

I couldn't focus on their conversation or they're play of game when all I thought was what Keyshia told me yesterday. It was like setting a bomb right in front of me. Why would she think this Shane kidnapped Evadin? Why was this happening now? There were so many questions but Keyshia couldn't elaborate since she had to go, something along the lines of her mother lecturing her that she couldn't be out the house for a long period of time. After asking for her number she told me she'll give me a call referring to why she thought Shane kidnapped Evadin.

I didn't know Shane personally. I barely thought of the guy, I only knew Keyshia and Derek were the only people Evadin hung out with. Sure, the girl Shay was familiar and I've seen her around Evadin from time to time and as well Shane when they all go to lunch together but that's mostly it. Remembering now, Shane was the guy that left with Evadin when both me and Evadin were arguing in the clinic. He was already dead to me from the beginning he tried to get in between my argument with Evadin and if he did kidnap Evadin in the first place then the more reason to hate his guts. At that Mason could feel the growl in his throat that he wanted to give away but couldn't, not in front of Luke or Noah.

           " —Besides the fact that you can't throw your party, Mason, I'm surprised how much of a really good leader you are. I'm not saying it as your best friend but as your second-in-command and my honest opinion." Noah was saying that was followed by something else he was saying that I didn't catch on. I perked up at that as Noah threw back the football to Luke whom snorted but nodded as well. Half grinning I pushed back all the thoughts in my head and focus on my friends. Luke was narrowing his eyes at Noah crossing his arms around his chest." What makes you think your Mason's second-in-command?" Luke was remarking Noah rolling his eyes." Besides the fact that me and Mason grew up together that's more of an enough reason to be his second-in-command." Luke looked like he was searching around his head to say something that outmatched Noah's reason but looked like he couldn't find any. And it was true, Noah has been my bestfriend since pre-school were practically brothers for that fact. When it came right down to it I would of choose Noah over Luke to be my second-in-command but doesn't mean Luke isn't important to me either.

         " Are you guys really going to fight over who is getting their role as my second-in-command? Both of you are important to me, so both of you get your own important roles." Noah and Luke stopped bickering at each other Luke side glancing Noah before both of them completely dropped the subject.

" New York huh." Noah said throwing the football once more towards Luke's way as I hummed at that thinking about New York city and how hectic it will be around New Years, it always was." Yeah, remember we can't tell anyone what's the real reason why we're going to New York. Alice said we'll stay in New York for New Years and take a flight to Alaska after." Noah was inhaling puffing out his cheeks before exhaling." Sounds like a lot of work." Shrugging I stood up Luke following along as I started towards the outside doors to get back into the house." It will be, with the amount of people were taking."

        All of us quiet down at my last comment seeing as Suzen was in the kitchen and Nick was probably in his office doing his usual work like he always does when he was home. Even whispering was hard to get around seeing as everyone in this house had a powerful sense of hearing, including myself and I had to find out the hard way. There wasn't the usual sound or smell of cooking happening in the kitchen which meant Suzen was just lodging probably flipping through a magazine of some sort. I signaled both Luke and Noah to follow me upstairs with a simple hand motion. All of us made it up the stairs as quiet as possible successfully not getting anyone's attention while Noah and Luke are a bunch of idiots they were chuckling and pushing each other.

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