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Mason POV.

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                    " Raise and shine ladies!"

           I could hear a couple of groans heard amongst me as I rolled my eyes towards Luke who was waking everyone from their tents. He had woken me a while before waking everyone else he knew me enough to know I would sneak in a couple more minutes before I actually got up with the hard intention to finish this mission in success and with no one harmed in the process, well that would be a lie. Someone would get hurt seeing as this forest is known to have some dangerous creatures here, creatures we didn't know about. I'll even get hurt in the process.

Rising from my tent that I shared with Malec and Ganesh I groaned from the shadows that fed on my flesh that wasn't as bad as it was  last night. I just thanked myself that Malec and Ganesh didn't hear or notice my small groans of pain and the amount of shifting I was doing in my camping bag. Waking up was harder though, the pain hasn't completely faded because I've gotten used to it, it's the type of pain you ask yourself when will it end? Getting up I looked over at Malec whom was already up and packing his gear checking over his daggers and hand knifes. Sitting up he gave me a glance before his eyes were returning to cleaning the hand knife in his hand.

    " Morning." He said making me rolled my shoulders back with a yawn." Morning." It was simple greeting in the morning nothing too special something I liked about Malec. I rose fully blinking multiple times to wake up properly as I swung the blankets from my body and stretched my hands above my head and stretched my legs making them shake. I scooted forward catching Malec's eye as I unzipped my camping bag seeking a black cotton shirt and simple worn out black jeans. Malec turned his head around holding up his dagger to distract him while he gave me privacy to change into clothes. Taking that as my cue I quickly ripped my shirt over my head and slipped the black cotton shirt over my head so Malec wouldn't have the chance to see the shadows that ate at my chest. I pulled my pants down replacing them with the worn out jeans and patted myself down from the grass that laid there.

        " You might want to wake up your friend there." Malec was pointing out his head turning again and his eyes pointing over at Ganesh who still didn't wake up. He wasn't a morning person, in general he was a sleeper. He spent most of his days just sleeping something he had in common with Alice's Allmate. I glanced over debating whether to wake him up or not but seeing as we were all in the middle of a mission I couldn't give a rat's ass if he was in a bad mood. I turned to shake Ganesh shoulder but I didn't have to do anything as Luke barged into our tent two thin sticks in his hands something that woke everyone from their slumber.

       " I knew it!" Luke yelled obnoxiously jumping on top of Ganesh limp body earning himself a annoyed groan from Ganesh." . . .get the fuck off me." Ganesh mumbled–growled and Luke ignored him grinning widely as he straddle Ganesh's back tapping the two thin sticks in between his hands obnoxiously loud." Rise and sun bigot!" Luke yelled which only made Ganesh growl and a moment later Ganesh was knocking Luke to the ground punching his gut earning a pained curse from Luke. Malec glanced at me his expression as to say should one of us do something about this? I turned my attention back to Ganesh and Luke seeing as Luke successfully pinned Ganesh to the ground and punched his gut in as well. I looked back at Malec both of us shrugging our shoulder in the same accord.

      Gathering my bag filled with weapons I doubled checked if all my weapons were there till I swung it off my shoulder and placing both my fingers in my mouth as a loud whistle came from my lips. The whistle came so loud that both Ganesh and Luke pulled away from each other Ganesh just moments away of giving Luke a bruised lip. Luke was covering his ears now a hiss by passing his lips as he glared at me." You're suppose to be on my side." Luke mumbled out rubbing at his ear as I rolled my eyes at the thought how similar Luke looked to a dog scratching its ear while Ganesh finally stood up stretching his arms out." I'm on neither side, tell everyone to meet outside so we could set up a plan." I ordered making Luke simply nod and leave the tent while Ganesh only turned and started to change into different clothes. Both Malec and I stepped outside our tent my eyes scanning everything around us seeing it was daybreak though there wasn't much light that came through the trees hovering above us.

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