Open Your Eyes.

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Evadin POV.

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" Evadin! Don't go!"

My head was turning towards the small voice as I frowned but then gave him a small smile running my fingers through his shaggy blonde hair." I have to. . .for mother." My head was rising and watching the backside of my mom her body raised and fell in a daze of sleep while her platinum hair spread along the metal floor in spirals. I looked back down at my little brother watching as his concerned eyes watched the guards behind me." Take care of mother. . .I'll be back." I finally reassured and I knew he wanted to protest and pull me back but he knew I did what I did to help mom.

      She risked the peck of her life to save us.

                  I wanted to save her's too.

        Standing up now I walked over towards the guards who instead of holding down my arms chained my wrists and ankles as we walked. One of the guards locked the cell behind him as we left the gates and walked towards the elevator. My eyes wandered towards the cafeteria seeing the scanners and the few subjects that requested to go there when they have received lunch tickets. I looked back in front of me seeing the elevator as it opened and we walked right through and stood still as we waited to go to the next floor.

           Closing my eyes I knew my surroundings too well around this corners. Some would think it's a maze and it truly was, unless you think of it that way. The more you surround yourself in the same areas the more you see past the maze of same colored doors and metal flooring and focus more to had one hallway looked different than the other.

          I had learned that from my mother whom would warn me of many things as she went to the lab almost everyday to keep Bernie's hands off of us. Both me and my brother.

        But now the tables have turned and I'm trying to keep Bernie's hands off my mother and my brother. His hands only needed to be on me, not them. I didn't mind it either. Since I felt more for the psychotic man.

           We exited out of the elevator and into a private floor that lead to Bernie's housing and Bernie's private lab. I enjoyed being in Bernie's housing more, he had over a thousand of books there where he would teach me how to read and how to look at a painting that hung on his walls. Though I didn't have a clue as to what the paintings meant and who were the woman on the paintings but something about them were beautiful. We walked right to Bernie's housing door the guard beside me giving the door a couple of knocks and after a moment Bernie opened the door.

      Bernie stood tall in a pair of his favorite dark dress pants and wearing nothing but a dress shirt that were folded at his wrists and a neat tie tied itself around his neck and down the dress shirt. His solarize sienna colored hair was combed back neatly and the sides of his hair were shaven clean and sharp cut. He looked upon me his emerald eyes harsh but slightly soften at the sight of me as he ordered the guards to leave and they did so as I entered through the dining room and stood there for a moment before looking back at Bernie. He returned his gaze on me one of mixed affection.

       "Would you like to bathe?" Bernie asked me now and I before, before when we didn't have this mixed feelings relationship I would of bit Bernie's hand for even suggesting to offer me a bath. But now, things were different. I was the one controlling this relationship and nothing gave me great pleasure than to take over someone who made my family suffer." No, it's fine. I'll take one before I leave." I finally said and Bernie nodded then made me sit on the floor as he sat on the white cushioned sofa snapping his fingers and right before my eyes a large wool book was sitting on Bernie's glass coffee table and I felt my eyes brighten as I looked up at him." What we'll be reading today?" I asked and Bernie smirked something he did a lot when he knew I would like the story behind what he called the Fates. He talked a lot and explained a lot about these Fates, describing how they destined humans fates and carried abilities of their own.

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