A Reason

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Mason POV

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" Puppy strength, pathetic!"

         Marie yelled walking back and fourth on her feet looking at me and Noah fight.

            Spitting upwards the opposite ground Noah snorted loudly as we stare at each other intensely pretending that we were enemies rather than friends." Noah you got a bit of a stronger force than Macy right here, did you hear that Macy!? Pathetic! I want strength! My four year old baby cousin could rip my nail than you could ever pin your partner down!" I cringed looking at Marie's long jet black pointy nails wondering how she could handle such  of nails. Glaring at her I wasn't appreciating her insults that was suppose to encourage me to fight stronger, she was doing amazingly well.

         Running towards Noah again his shoulders tensed preparing himself for my impact as I slammed him with my shoulder as I quickly caught the sight of his hand reaching for my head before I was gripping it and twisting it before using my right leg to kick the side of his stomach. Noah grunted but he caught my leg pushing me back with a hard force making me hit the ground shamelessly. Marie was instantly clapping absently clearly unimpressed as I glared her way.

         " Gosh, can't even prove my cousin wrong." Marie was mentioning now as Vannika was passing me a apologetic look which only pissed me off even further. Getting up once again I charged towards Noah again whom rolled his eyes in annoyance that I wasn't giving in yet. My chest was burning not because of the lack of oxygen but the shadows eating at it. Clearly the physical action wasn't helping my situation but I couldn't control it. I needed to get Evadin back, backing down wasn't a option now.

      Once again, Noah was pinning me down on the ground again much to my dismay as Noah pushed off wiping at his nose again." Are you done yet?" Marie was saying yawning seeming bored by my lack of training. I finally looked her in the eye standing up fully." If your so I know everything then why don't you come here and fight me yourself? Prove to me how much I need training." I was doing this on purpose but I didn't care at the moment Marie was pissing me off and fighting the source of my anger might help me strengthen my strength. Marie was smirking now before snorting taking out a very large metal septum piercing from her nose.

        " Why not? Maybe then you'll find out how much you suck." She handed Vannika her septum piercing as Vannika scrunched up her nose in distaste for holding it but didn't complain much. Aadi and his brothers were watching now and so were the other trainers as some of Marie's trainers looked even worried. Oh I even knew I was going in for the bigger guns than Noah's excellent skills. She squatted down a bit elbows bent slightly as she motioned me with her hand." Prove me wrong Macy." She was smirking a teasing that I come to remind myself of Evadin since he liked to tease me as well. Instantly my mind was snapping out of the thought of Evadin.

       I took a moment to see what we're her intentions to see any kind of action she would take but like expected, she was a empty book. Charging forward i ran cautiously to see if she would start with a kick a punch, something but she didn't move fast it was only when I stepped back that she pushed at my chest hard with a force that could only be described by actually feeling it. Without anymore hesitation she took my wrist twisting it slamming it towards my own chest and pinning me on the ground. A groan slipped out of my lips as a smirk of triumph spread across her face. There was a couple of childish 'wooing' and 'booing' but my attention wasn't on the crowd of trainers my attention was focused on Marie as she stood stepping back a few feet before I was joining her.

          Standing up, I tried figuring out what kind of move she would make. With taking a lot of realization with her first move, she used high level skills then the ones she was teaching us, she was experienced, my guess for many, many years. She only taught us the ones necessary which was fine but if she was teaching us beyond that it would of been more than strength and counter acts.

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