Electricity Wires.

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                         Evadin POV.

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Pressure stuck onto me making me groan under my breath as I blindly pushed the weight off me a loud thump echoing off the walls. My eyes fluttered open slowly small rays of sunshine coming through the curtain just when I realized my alarm clock would go off in




Just as I thought my alarm wouldn't go off this time which rarely it happened during early mornings like these, I was wrong. Loud beeping of the small owl clock rang making Shay Shay groan loudly covering her ears with the lime pillows." Shut that up!!" She half whined half yelled making me sigh under my breath reaching over and slamming my fist at the top of the clock. Chuckling softly Keyshia laid on the carpet floor her butt sticking up in the air while the upper part of her body laid flat on the ground.

Some question even myself how Keyshia could sleep through almost anything loud like earthquakes and annoying alarm clocks. Rolling my eyes at the silly thought I slowly slipped off bed tip-toeing to the door that opened slightly as I closed it behind me while walking through the narrow hallway. Everyone was still sleeping Ana's loud snoring could be heard from the hall as I snorted walking downstairs and into the living room that lead to the kitchen.

Small noises could be heard from the kitchen only making me raise a brow as I turned the corner seeing Derek digging through our fridge from yesterday's leftovers and yogurt. A smirk turned on the corners of my lips as I came behind him sticking out my pointer finger and poking him in the back making him flinch back before he was glaring at me." Morning." With a giggle he rolled his eyes passing me a yogurt while we walked over to the kitchen widow that was large to see from the outside.

" Thought you would of left last night." Derek shrugged carelessly." Didn't need to, too drunk." Nodding in understanding Derek licked the underside of the yogurt cap while I mocked his actions. Me and Derek don't always need to speak to fill in the void of silence. Just spacing out and doing small things like copying each other or laughing at weird things. Sometimes I wonder how Derek does it, staying mute as long as he wants too. People not asking him if he could speak more than one worded sentences. The first time I met Derek popped up at the funny memory.

" Are you stupid?" Keyshia dragged me by the wrist as we headed to the gym into what she was planning to go sit by the benches to see PJ play football. On my part skipping Ms.Green's class is worth it but seeing Mason's face isn't something I'm looking forward to. Keyshia looked back at me a smirk plastered on those red lips of hers." Don't you want to say hey to Mason?"

" Yeah let me hit his head with a bat while I'm at it. Key come on let's just hang at the park-"

" Nope I'm not missing out on PJ's game." A whine managed to escape my lips as we entered the gym a few basketball team members passing by avoiding our existence as we walked out the gym and into the field where sure enough the football was playing. I spotted Mason throwing a football to Noah as they both sprinted down the field trying to hit the goal. Keyshia made a noise of delight nudging her elbow into the side of my stomach signaling to sit over at the top of the benchers. Huffing in annoyance I followed behind her sitting beside her as the game continued to play.

Sure enough a very tan brown eyed guy was running down the field the uniform gear making him look buffer than last time I've met him. PJ was Keyshia's boyfriend they started going out right after a party that Shay Shay convinced her to go to and met PJ as she put it ' The dark chocolate to my white milk.'

" Wonder what's under that gear huh?" she nudge my shoulder tilting her chin up to Mason whom followed PJ into the field. I snorted taking off my bag and pulling out a flavored ice tea can. Keyshia's eyes widen in surprise," Where did you get that?"

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