Art Lessons?

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Evadin POV.

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I ran to my locker.

More and more people were filling the halls I'm grateful for that, Therefore Mason can't see me so much for avoiding. The only thing I could hear was my hitched breathing, The loud thumping in my ears that was cause by my racing heart. I couldn't breath, Like literally whenever Mason is around I'm halfway choking. But this time it was different, He was so close!

I regret being in love with this jerk! Gods or spirits you shall not intimate me!

Sh*t, should I be cursing at the gods? Ugh what do I care I'm already cursed. Walking over to my locker there were filers hanged around it saying the same old same old ' Fag.' I sighed in frustration I wasn't in the mood for this especially after what happen in the art room. Digging my nails into the filers ripping all the papers off one by one till one was flying away from my grasp. Stoking over my temper flaring from all these f*cking kids in this school. The filer flew in a different dirction I went to catch it only to hit my forehead against a hard chest. Slowly peering up from my shutted eyelids a faint blush fleshed across my cheeks. A boy with piercing caramel light brown eyes the lightest pale skin I have ever seen, His hair the darkest shade of chocolate brown its messy bedhead flipped into a different direction of his babyface, Only wearing nothing but sundown tanktop with black ripped knee high jeans.

"Oh god! I'm sorry! are you okay madam?!"He panicked pulling me away slightly to see if I had any injury. His nice british accent was deep but light at the same time catching my attention swiftly. Wait did he just call me a lady? Oh great. I rubbed my head, Jeez how many times have I hit my head this morning?"Y-Yeah I'm okay just a little dizzy....." I looked up again seeing his caramel puppy eyes filled with concern. He held out his hand in a type of greeting before flashing me a small smile. I looked down at his hand uneasily raising a brow."Don't worry I don't bite."A quick blush flew against my cheeks as I gently grabbed his hand. It was strong but soft at the same time, Like hot and cold.

" Um T-Thanks....."I said shyly dragging my attention to the wall before back at the cameral eyed boy."Um you must of drop this am I correct?" He grasp the insult paper in between his hand handing it back to me to add another hateful insult into the collection 'Girly Fag.' I looked back at him as he also looked in the sheet of paper reading the hateful word also roaming his eyes over to the rest of the papers that were held lock and key into my grasp. I made my way past him walking over to the pale blue trashcan throwing the rest of the papers away.

Surprisedly no one was in the halls. I didn't even hear the bell ring!?

The strange guy came walking over to where I was standing while I stupidly looked down at the trashcan narrowing my eyes at him in confusion. Why is he still here? I already said thanks what else does this noob want? my lunch money? I rolled my eyes at cliché thought."Um, If it's not a bother to ask....Who wrote those awful comments on those papers?..." The strange boy asked while following me over to my locker while I unlocked it giving him a droll stare."This world we call society..." He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, but slowly understood a while longer. I grabbed my history books before he could answer anything else.

Slamming my locker shut turning on my heel as I excused myself without further goodbye to the strange boy making my way over to the next period class.

"Wait! wait! Hold on there!"

Stopping mid-way I looked back at him in confusion with a raised brow."What?" I asked downcasting my eyes over to my wrist-watch its only been ten minutes. Ten minutes I'll be late to class to. Truthfully I couldn't careless I just wanted to go home. Turning around he caught up panting softly before speaking. Why is that so arousing to watch?"One,"He held out his hand," I'm Shane, Shane Williams and you are madam?"I narrowed my eyes at him but took his hand."Evadin, Evadin Walker."I could feel the embarrassment of this greeting coming soon when he realizes I'm not a 'madam.' Shane gave me another dumbfound expression before realizion hit him.

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