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Evadin POV.

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I had accepted the proposal.

For Mason's sake and his family.

It was as if I and Mason were once going too slow almost in the right mind of things and then too fast because of Mason's family being held for suspicion. I didn't blame them. Somehow I almost knew Mason's dad would come up with something in terms of our mating. It was going to take a long time before Mason's family comes to terms with our mating and it's understandable this way, it's a way of their acceptance. It doesn't matter to me if they accept our growing relationship or not but I know that Mason cares a lot about it. It's all new to him, and knowing now that his family is on his side is all he ever wanted.

" If you're both getting married, I should at least get to know who will be my brother-in-law." That's what Seth told me not too long ago as I looked up watching his eyes land on me and a grin on his lips. David was beside him slapping his shoulder while Alice laughed at the formal name. It's the most human I've seen Mason's family besides David and Alice. I grinned up at Seth nodding my head while holding out my hand." You could call me Evadin." I said shortly not knowing exactly what to say except introduce myself. Seth looked down at my outstretched hand before stepping forward and pulling me into an embrace. My shoulders tensed up in surprise before I was hugging back my brows drawn in confusion till Seth was pulling back with a smirk tilted up on his lips.

" In this family, we don't do handshakes. Just call me Seth, it's nice to meet you." Seth was saying which made the grin on my lips widen in a smile before Seth stepped back sighing a bit." On second thought, I'll catch up with you guys later. I'm going to check up on Jackson." He was saying out loud turning towards his parents than at the three of us with a two finger salute and he was gone. I heard upcoming footsteps as I turned watching as both of Mason's parents approached me Mason's mother giving me a small smile while Nick leaned forward placing his larger hand onto my shoulder.

" I'm glad you have made a wise decision and handled the suddenness of the situation at hand. . .I won't stand here and tell you it won't be difficult because it very much will. I'll try the best of my abilities to withhold as much of those difficulties your way but I won't make any promises." Nick was saying now as I only nodded in understanding and Mason stood beside me quiet as he looked between his parents. Nick leaned back a stressful sigh crossing his lips before he was looking down at his wife a smile peeking up at the corners of his lips." Can I have a moment with Evadin?" Mason was speaking up from behind me as both his parents looked at him curiously before nodding. Both David and Alice took that as their cue to leave the room as well both Suzan and Nick followed suit.

I turned around facing Mason while he gave me a small glare. I narrowed my eyes at the expression before sighing." Mason, I know what you're going to say but please–"

" No Evadin, this is a choice that you don't have to make. I'm sure there are other ways to bypass the suspicion from our kingdom. My dad doesn't have to get in between us just so he can please our people." Mason was cutting in and I crossed my arms over my chest narrowing my eyes once more." I understand that there are other options to handle this, but this is my decision to make."

" It's our decision to make, Evadin. I appreciate what you're doing but I don't want you to get pulled in on all this stuff. You just woke up two days ago, you just encountered Shane after what? A month of being in that hell with Bernie. Your mom is being hospitalized and your sisters just found out what the hell is going on. I don't want to put more stressful antics on your plate then you already have."

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