Suspicious Disappearance.

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                          Evadin POV.

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      " Derek Why aren't you answering my question?"

        Derek and I ran around the grassy field panting for breath from all the five laps we have done. Now on our last. Derek would speed up sometimes to try and avoid the question I've been asking him for the whole gym class period. With all my strength I had left I would catch up to him and ask again.

        Derek may seem like he wouldn't avoid me as much but he made it obvious, well at least to me. He would use excuses like walking to class early, not come over to my house, or just use the 'I'm busy' excuse.

       It's been a month since Shane asked me out. All the holidays past by rather quickly everyone getting their gifts and New Years. The exact day after I fainted Shane cancelled and said something about an emergency. I remember the way his voice panicked through the phone before the line went dead. It scared me. It scared me to death. All throughout the holidays I couldn't focus on gifts or buying them not even decorating made my worrisome mind shut up, just imagining the worst case scenarios that might of happened without any of my knowledge.

         Derek wasn't helping with this situation either.

         Derek wouldn't just ignore me like that for no reason at all, I'm sure he knows where Shane is.

        "Derek I'm not going to ask again. Where is Sh-"

      " Evadin just stop. Shane needs some space he's going through some things. . .your not helping either. Do you think I'm not worried either?" Derek interrupted stopping mid run making sure Coach Greg was focus more on the checking list than the students running around cones. Derek looked tense. Somehow I knew he didn't want to say nothing about it or give away a piece of information but I guess my annoyance was enough to crack that mouth of his.

     Derek knew Shane better than me. Of course Shane would go to Derek and explode everything he needed off his chest. I didn't know what kind of relationship Derek had with Shane but from what I heard from Shane they've only had misunderstandings between the make out sessions and parties. But in my eyes it was something more. I could be wrong of course. Also, Shane wouldn't ask me out if he had an interest with Derek. Maybe it was a very close friendship they have.

     ". . . Alright I get it. . . but you don't know anything about what happened? He scared me Derek, when he called me canceling our date-"

                        " Wait what?"


                        "No wonder. . ."

       It was nearly a whisper on his breath before I could've stop and ask him he turned on his heel running off with amount of speed I couldn't muster up. Maybe he just needs space. I thought as Derek ran off to the inside of the gym court.

      "Walker! Get your butt moving! This isn't break time!" Coach yelled tapping his time-watch making me flinch back to life before tirely running my last lap around the cones. I ran over to the inside of the gym court making my way over to the bunches where my backpack sat in one of the seats. The sounds of feet snuffling, panting, Coach Greg's voice yelling to the members of the basketball team filled my ears.

        Taking out the very cold water bottle that made little water stains on my backpack I opened the lid taking a sip before a gulp followed along while sitting on the same seat. My eyes looked into the basketball court seeing Luke and Noah working along each other before Coach Greg whistle on the orange snail shaped whistle directing everyone's attention that was on the court to play again.

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