Lunch Ticket

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              Evadin POV

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           " Stop asking so many questions, it's obvious that they're drugged."

             A warm feeling was bubbling at the pit of my stomach. Oliver was moving Jessica aside so he could look at both Geo and I, we were heavily drugged that thinking wasn't even a option now." Crap." Oliver whispered mostly to himself as he went towards Geo first smoothing his dreadlocks away." We can't do anything now. . .we at least have to hope for the best that the drug fades away till Bernie decides to call Evadin in again." He said towards Jessica whom was nodding her head. The drug was making me feel groggily as Oliver gently placed my head onto his lap.

          " Why does Bernie want Evadin so much?" Jessica asked clearly bothering Oliver whom told her to stop pestering him with questions but he found Oliver slowly replying to them." I don't know. . ." Oliver was combing his fingers through my hair making me slightly relaxed but I couldn't relax. My heart ached so much I thought it would burst into pieces by now.

          " Oh that was priceless." Bernie screamed out laughing as I gasped for air my body giving up the strength that was left inside of me. We were in the lab where that b*tch of a scientific observer ordered for the CTL6 scan. Either way I was expecting something like that to happen, I just didn't think they would break me more than I didn't know.

         " You did well, missy. I'll give you a lunch ticket in just a moment but let me do my taunting okay?" He pointed over to the woman that operated the CTL6 as I glared her way. I saw the guilt that passed through her eyes but it was quickly blocked with a stoic stare. She probably didn't mean to operate the CTL6, she was doing what anyone would do here. Survive.

         Bernie was having the time of his life laughing at my imagery in my head that I was somehow controlling. Both the CTL6 and the drug in my body worked together to form some kind of reality that I wanted to happen, apparently. Shame spread throughout my being realizing after all this time I still wanted Mason to be with me, and for that I truly didn't know why.

" Really good work. Too bad that your boyfriend isn't really dead it would of made a really good ' sorry gift card.'" That angered me gathering as much strength I had I bit his ankle making him shriek out in pain before kicking his foot at my face. The impact throbbed painfully but I couldn't help myself." Filthy little b*tch!" H groaned out loudly taking my hair and pinning my head up so it was mere inches away from his." No need to be dramatic my little Eva." He purred making me cringe my body shaking from all the emotions wracking at my body.

       " You're precious little boy toy is still out there. What'd you expect? for him to come and save you?" He broke out into a series of laughter his shoulders shaking at the action." Look at reality darling! There is no such thing as a person you most interest coming to save you! Bet all your money on the family you believe that is looking for you. Or are they?" My eyes looked down at the marble floor it's ice-y cold marble floors making my knees turn pink as my mind went towards the thought of Drew and Amy, my sisters, my niece and nephew, Rin.

       " Ask yourself this Evadin," Bernie began now his voice low as he was leaning forward towards my ear." Are they really your family? Haven't you ever had a point in your life where you questioned where you were, what were you doing, who really are the people around you?" My mind was spinning I tried to block his voice out of my ears, my head. But nothing was working he was loud and clear and there was no point in trying to ignore what was going on in front of me when there was a drug dawning inside of me.

        " How about your friends huh? Have you ever thought who they really were? What they are really capable of? Who knows, do they really consider you as their 'friend.'" My mind went straight to Keyshia and Derek, Shay Shay and Shane. All of them were my friends, the closest friends I ever have. So far they haven't done anything to betray my friendship with them do they was no point on believing Bernie's words but I found myself listening anyway.

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