Murr X Reader - Head Massages

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You don't have time to protest as he all but drags you into a sitting position in front of him, the male sitting on the couch while you rest between his legs. Eyes roll on their own accord but soon slip closed when you feel his hands in your hair.


It's an attempted question, something that is lost in translation as your ability to receive information around you nullifies into something comparable to a hazy reverie. The pleasure he's granting you just by stroking through your hair... it's astounding, simply breathtaking, enough to make you want to pant with gratification. How he'd become so good is something you almost don't dare explore for it makes you think about other things his hands can do and you have enough of those distractions without tempting them. Instead, you bite your lip and remain dutifully silent.

The Joker says nothing - but you can hear the smirk on his features all the same as he slows his motions and gives a light tug to your thick lockes, nails dragging firmly across your scalp and earning a rather prominent shudder from you. A moment of deliberation, a second of hesitation-- and then his voice finally punctures the air.

"Saw you were looking stressed today."

Discomfort ignites in you for you don't feel inclined to share anything. Sure, you have heavy thoughts sometimes - thoughts that bog you so far down in the dumps that, in all honesty, it's hard to crawl out of them - but it doesn't mean that you feel stressed. Do you? Maybe a little...

"Don't be dumb," you reply, a tiny laugh escaping your lips before melting into a shaky exhalation as his thumbs slip from your head and massage the back of your neck. Given how well-groomed he is, you can only assume that Murr knows a thing or two about pampering. Trying to solidify your resolve, a breath is taken to correct the tremor in your voice. "...I'm fine."

"Less than convincing," Murr comments, though pity seeps through the otherwise emotionless gripe and forces a tiny smile to appear on your features. "You don't have to worry so much, you know? Relax - let loose a little and good ol' Murr will work his magic."

A laugh, more full and soulful, leaves your mouth. "Could you be any more off-putting?"

"I could take my socks off and put my toes on your inner thighs."

"Point taken."

For a short while, all that fills the room is the sound of your soft breaths and his fingers raking through your [h/c] hair; to say you're slipping further and further into relaxation is the under-statement of the century for you can feel your body sinking against his leg as contentment overrides your system like one shot of alcohol too many. Euphoria is seldom achieved in humans, real euphoria, but this is so damn close that you pull away for fear of unravelling in front of the man, red colouring your cheeks to the point in which you don't dare look at him.

"Thanks. For that," you murmur, eyes averting to the ground. From in front of you, James chuckles, eyes watching you as you lean back and blink to regain orientation before he leans forwards in his seat on the couch and rests the palm of his hand against your face. His skin is warm, smooth against your cheek as you stare, uselessly stunned, into his eyes.

For a moment, nothing happens - and then the Joker leans in and presses his lips to your forehead, fingers stroking at your jaw before he releases you again. Pity outlines his features though it isn't without an underlying tone of 'I told you so'.

"No need to thank me - I want to help you, [Y/N]. Let me help more often."

The smile that appears on his face has you smiling back despite your previous insecurities, so warm and genuine that you feel you have no choice but to melt in its presence. You're far from useless but there isn't much you wouldn't do when faced with such a beautiful expression, all affection and love. Your hand raises to your cheek, palm grazing the area in which he'd previously held.


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