Joe x Reader - Never Just Sex

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It's just sex, he'd told himself as he'd guided you through the front door and opened his home to you. His sanctity, his personal space, his safe haven– and he'd let you in, wanting to share it with you. You'd been gracious the entire time too and he'd found himself trying to make you relax, get comfortable, snuggle with him on the couch without worrying about your feet leaving creases in the soft material... anything to get closer to you.

And then he'd proceeded to show you upstairs, had made love to you on the bed he slept in every night, every movement he made having the intention of making you stay. When lips had traveled south and his tongue had circled nipples and his lips had latched onto your clit and drawn out orgasm after orgasm you'd begged for him– and he'd truly felt completely at peace.

Laying there in a post-orgasmic haze, sweat-soaked skin searching desperately for his as you roll over in the sheets and locate him with outstretched fingertips, you stare heavily at him in the darkness and breathe hard. It's everything you've ever wanted... and if you'd have been told it would be with your Professor you would have been indignant until the end about it.

"...can I stay tonight?" you whisper, holding out for the moment he gives in, lets his walls down completely; because despite how well-versed you are with one another's personalities now, there's still something about him that's on edge. A hand strokes down the side of your face, brushes hair out of the way before he fishes the duvet from under the pair of you. Laying it over your body, he opens his arms to you, just as he'd done with his heart.

"Stay," Joe murmurs in reply, watching as you look up at him with both lust and adoration before he can take it no more and presses a soft, barely-there kiss to your lips, all heaving breaths and shaking hands. The tremor in his body as you press flush against him and sigh warmly against his flesh has you pleased, smiling lovingly. "Stay with me."

"I'm going to stay, Professor." So the word had been used to be playful... but Gatto's having none of it, mouth finding yours again as he takes your face in his trembling hands.

"Say my name, please."


"My real one. I need to hear it."

You stare at him... before letting your eyes close and your lips press softly to his. The soft moan he releases under his breath is gratification enough, his eyes fluttering shut as you stroke down his arms tenderly.

"I'm staying with you, Joe."

{But it's just sex, it's just sex, it's just sex– }

"I want to stay with you, Joe."

At those words, it's the man who cracks before you. His hold tightens to a rate you've never felt, an embrace so encompassing that you feel yourself being swallowed by him; and you adore it, the scent and the sound and the feel of him make your hands search for purchase as he continues to cling to you. The Professor presses a tiny kiss to the top of your head.

"I love you."

Words he never thought he'd use again - and not because of tragedy but because of a lack of faith. He'd been too focused on other things, too convinced that his way was right, too stubborn to change anything. And then you'd come along and broken everything to bits for him, and he should have hated you and sent you out of his class because you changed everything but it took a collapse of his world for him to realise how fucking fake it was

You're angling his face now, hands on either side of it before guiding him in for a deep kiss. Lips moving perfectly against one another's, hands warm against flesh.

"I love you, too. Never tell me it was just sex, Joey..."

Gatto just sighs in that authoritarian manner you've come to love so much; because it often means he's making a decision, and a big one at that. Eyes train on him, squint a little when he averts his gaze and shatters the one lie he's been telling himself since day one.

"It was never 'just sex', [Y/N]."

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