Q x Reader - Distractions

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If there's anything you've learned in your time being with Brian Quinn, it's that you love being his distraction. He's doting, never leaves you hanging, but there are times when your craving for attention won't wait for even the simplest of things. He never seems to get annoyed with you; just gives you that knowing smile and continues about his task, sometimes reaching out to give you a mock-pet on the head as if you're one of his cats - and you don't mind.

Lazily, your eyes scan over him as he talks on the phone. You've been waiting for him to come upstairs for at least twenty minutes now and you're beginning to get restless. Still, you can't quite bring yourself to be annoyed, watching how his mouth moves as he speaks, watching his hands twitch as he gestures for nobody to see. Watching his chest move as he breathes...

You can wait no more. Getting to your feet, you move to sit next to him on the couch, tuning out his conversation and placing a hand to his shoulder. Q jumps slightly, having not expected to be touched. Eyes lower flirtatiously as your hand travels down his arm, tracing his bicep with a curious finger. The long-haired male averts his gaze to you, brow dipping slightly before he weakens under your wandering finger as it trails from bicep to his thigh.

"Yeah, Joe-- I'll be there. The Shack, right?"

Dark brown eyes flit from the hand on his thigh to your face. He should be concentrating on discussing the meet-up at the doughnut store with his friend the following day... but you're leaning in, teeth catching his earlobe and nibbling whilst your palm flattens against him and it takes so much effort not to stammer--

"Bud? You still there?"

It's Joe's voice you hear over the phone and, while Q gives you a pleading look as you palm him through his jeans, all you do is grin wickedly and give him a playful wink. Go ahead, Joker, finish your phone-call.

"Uh-- y-yeah, yeah. I just-- yeah."

Q's eyes slip closed as you begin to fumble with the button of his jeans, slipping down to your knees and sinking between his legs. If there's anything you want, it's to watch him squirm in place of moaning - and the look in your eyes had said it all: hang up and I stop.

Hands deftly tug at his pants, pulling them down his legs (he assists you by raising his body to let them down to his ankles). You feel his hardness through his boxers, run your finger down the stiff length and lick your lips as you consider everything you can do to him. You free him of his underwear.. Teasingly, you bring your lips to his tip, and ghost your mouth over it, tongue flicking over the slit at the top; the taste of precum gives you a thrill that can't be beaten.

Brian continues to talk on the phone, a hand making its way to your head, fingers tangling in your soft [H/C] hair and urging you to do more. Complying, your mouth coats his hard length all the way to the base, the urge to gag imminent yet you remain silent in the hopes of pleasing him further. On your ascent for breath, you drag your tongue up his shaft and raise a hand to pump him as you submerge yourself in the tip once more. Your head goes through simple up-and-down motions, sucking him hard while he bites his lip to stay quiet.

He looks at you, eyes burning, hand gripping tightly... and then he's up on his feet, sending you sprawling backwards; you climb right back up, wrap your arms around his thighs and reattach yourself to his throbbing member, desperate to please him once more. The hand in your hair is reassigned, tugging enough to make a moan leave your throat before he begins thrusting into your mouth at a breakneck pace. The sound of him almost forcing his way in - yet no complaints from you - makes you wetter than you already are, a free hand dipping between your legs and beginning to stroke your entrance. Eyes slip closed and you can hear the triumph in Brian's voice as he continues to talk to the other Joker.

"Yeah - all right. Twenty dollars'll cover it, man?"

An attempt to smile on your behalf leaves you gasping for breath for Q isn't stopping any time soon. Crudely put, he's fucking your mouth as if it's the last time he'll ever get to do it, all frenzy and primitive possession as his eyes glaze over with lascivious intent. God, you want him - this has to be one of the best decisions you've ever made in terms of getting him going. The hard length in your mouth... you want it inside of you as soon as possible.

The Joker's movement begin to falter, more harsh and jerky and you know what's about to happen, eyes squeezing shut as you prepare yourself to take it all. It's all you want; the taste of him, the very essence of his being... you want every single bit and you want it now. With the ghost of a pant in his voice, the man looks down at you and grins sharply.

"No problem, Joey. I'm coming."

You've never heard such a glorious double-meaning in your life, for no sooner had he said the sentence has he exploded in your mouth, thick hot load covering it thoroughly, a tiny grunt escaping him (which he passes off as a clear of the throat when Joe asks about it). You swallow hard, wanting to get it all down you, and find that Q doesn't release you until you prove to him that it's all 'disposed of'. When he's satisfied, he releases you and nods, sitting down on the couch while you get up and sit next to him, resting your head against his shoulder while you squeeze your thighs together.

This time his fingers are wandering, dancing across the skin of your arm before he laces his fingers with yours and says goodbye to his friend. Silence hits you like a brick - and then the jingle of laughter from your lover loosens you up all over again, as if it's the first time you've heard such a beautiful sound, before he leans over and kisses you square on the mouth.

"Man, you're really something." Brian chuckles, teeth showing as he begins to grin at you. Fingers slip between your thighs, his brow raising. "...I feel I owe you a favour or two, babe."

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