Joe x Reader - You Let Them Touch You?!

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He had seen flames immediately. Being paired with Sal already meant he was going to lose (unless the people in the room really pitied him and his miserable attempt to explain what the hell had happened to the 'rouge gay' who had been swept ashore several years before this so-called establishment had been overtaken by them) but the second they had introduced the 'How Not to Treat People on the Grounds' slide, Joe had known he would get irritated. First his sister, and now you.

"You don't want to be harassing anybody. And if you touch somebodyinappropriately," Brian pauses on the screen, turning to you and sliding a hand down your rear, teeth locking over his lower lip as he gives you a firm squeeze. The discomfort on your face, though feigned, makes Joe's heart constrict, a feeling of fire in his gut setting his lips into a tight line. "Don't be surprised if you get punched in the face!"

And then Murr had walked onto the scene, his mouth mere centimeters from your ear. You had made an exaggerated shuddering motion, the man's arms coiling around your stomach before he presses a single kiss to your neck. At this point, the Joker pulls away and says: "You don't wanna be touching people without their consent, stupid!"

The pair had brought their arms back, had slapped you on the rear at the same time, one hand per cheek. The sound resounds in Joe's head, has him seeingred as you tense up on the screen.

"Don't do it!"

Needless to say, he loses the challenge with his tongue barely caught between his teeth when he goes back into the back room. And seeing you laughing with Q and Murr? Well that just adds insult to injury.

"About the presentation," Joe speaks up as he unlocks the door, letting you in whilst you roll your eyes and kiss his nose before sliding through the hall and hanging your coat up. "That wasn't without your ok, right?"

"C'mon, Joey," you reply, a little sardonically as your hands move to cross over your chest. Coat discarded, lips pulled into a tight little frown, you break out into a giggle as he peels his scarf from around his neck and looks over at you. "You think I'd not break their faces if they touched me like that without my ok?"

Those words bring a somewhat cruel pang of laughter from the man. He loves his friends more than anybody - except you. When you close in and wind your arms his neck, Gatto has half a mind to pull away and slink off to sulk for a couple of hours... but then you lean in and catch his lips in a quick kiss before pulling back and raising your eyebrows in that gorgeously mock-judgemental way of yours.

"You're not jealous, are you?"

Joe scoffs, leans in once more and kisses you more fully, arms winding around your back as he sighs against your lips. And he'd intended to leave it there - but the images attacking his subconscious, the slam of the other men's palms against your backside, the ghost of Murr's lips on your neck, the phantom fingers of Q delivering a squeeze hard enough to elicit a sound from you, have him kissing you harder, walking you back into the wall as his tongue forces its way past your lips.

Surprised by his growing intensity, you pull away and murmur his name to bring him back to earth; but you lose yourself when his lips are against your neck, in the same spot Murr had been, sucking flesh hard enough to leave a mark. You lean back into the wall, work your hands up the back of his neck and tug his hair lightly. He growls, and primitively at that: a sound that turns you on immensely.

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