Q/Reader - Gift-Giving

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        "You always give the best presents."

"I didn't get you anything..."

You pause mid-stride, the words startling you. Does he really believe that? Does he really believe that letting you come along with him on tour and trawling all across America for the holidays isn't a present within itself? He looks uncomfortable, as if he should have done something else, something more, and it makes your stomach flip with sadness.

Coyly, you make your way over to him. "Brian Quinn," you say, watching as deep brown eyes pick up to look at you; that gaze that has always had you melting, that makes your heart-rate increase with the urge to pool at his feet. Smiling in a way you hope is encouraging as you slide your hands onto his face, pads of digits feeling the scruff of his beard, you continue. "Do you really think I'm gonna let that slide? This is the best. Seeing you, getting to sleep in the same bed as you, getting to hold your hand when we walk through the cities, getting to see you happy with your friends... it means so much to me, Bri."


"No material gift is gonna top this so don't even bother." You pause, smoothing your hands over his broad shoulders before you lean up and kiss him softly on the lips. For a moment he stands shell-shocked... before his arms wrap around you tightly and he dips you, kissing you deeply as you wrap your arms around his neck. Right in the middle of a walkway, people scoffing and moving around you as they continue on with their hectic lives - and none of it means anything to you because you're here, and Brian's here, and you're spending Christmas together.

Pulling away, you nuzzle his nose with yours before pulling yourself upright via his shoulders. He's smirking now, more confident in his decision as you fiddle with his collar absentmindedly, a lazy smile sprawling across your face.

"If I said we should go back to the tour-bus, maybe right now, and maybe... I don't know– get it on, you'd say...?"

Q pulls back slightly, brow raising... before he grins wickedly. "Merry-fuckin'-Christmas."

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