Joe x Reader - I Lost For You, Man!

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"I can't believe you just did that!"

Murr puts the pad of his index finger to his tongue and makes a 'tss' sound as he takes it away, grinning a smug grin. They'd been performing pranks by the dozen for hours on end now, just trying to catch one another out. They'd succeeded a few times - Sal wouldn't lick someone's shoe (the top, mind you!), Murr hadn't had the strength to pick up a huge buff guy and Q had ultimately lost his nerve when approaching a pretty girl and asking for an 'impromptu blowie' before his shift at the liquor store.

"Believe it, Sal! Taking a guy's shoe and running off with it is nothing compared to the shit you've made me do!"

The Jokers give each glances at the other's statement... before they shrug their shoulders and nod in agreement. Hell, if they'd have told Murr to put the damn thing in his mouth, he probably would have.

Q turns to Joe and raises a brow, looking vaguely impressed. "Couldn't help but notice that you haven't lost once yet, Joey. Quite a streak you've got there; would be a shame if someone spoiled it."

Joe snorts, hands moving to his hips as he comically puffs out his chest with mock-pride. "Do your worst, hobo. I'm not feelin' a loss today."

The long-haired male smirks and turns on his heel, walking off. Joe briefly wonders where he's going... but he knows it ultimately won't be good for him. Just because he's shameless doesn't mean that his friends aren't geniuses when coming up with stupid things for him to do; he often feels the heat despite going through with the tasks they try to put him off with.

From the corner of his eye, he regards you. You've done surprisingly well for your first Prank-Off, only faltering in your resolve twice (Sal, a 'proper Joker', had lost three times!). Currently you slouch on a bench in the park, napping, palm digging in lightly to your cheek as your elbow keeps you elevated. Joe feels a smile tugging at the corner of his lips; you've always been so adorable.

"All right." It's Quinn's voice that breaks his trance, the loud Joker turning his body to face him. What he sees instantly puts him on edge: a bucket of water and it's so chilled he can almost feel the ice it had been mixed with. Eyes regard the foreign object - because where the hell had Q gotten a bucket from anyway?! - with slight wariness before Joe picks up his gaze and raises an eyebrow in silent question. Q bears teeth in a wicked grin. "This is for you."

Joe shrugs off-handedly at him, taking the bucket. By now, Sal and Murr have turned to watch the spectacle, curiosity and slight excitement lining their features as Brian's plan begins to unfold. His palms begin to turn cold as he holds it and his conscience even colder for he can tell where this is going. It's going to be an unpleasant batch of explaining on his part... but he can always say that he tripped with it when it hits an unsuspecting citizen. It's heavy after all.

"All over [Y/N]. Let's go - wake up Sleeping Beauty."

Gatto opens his mouth and then promptly closes it once more. In theory, he should just turn around and do it. He likes you, but even you would look funny sopping wet and gasping like a fish out of water, struggling to collect your bearings; perhaps even a curse word or two would slip your lips, and it's always a treat when you swear, not because you don't do it but because you make the words sound so good.

" way man, she's part of this."

"Is--" Brian leans in with a smirk on his face, hand to his ear. "Is that a refusal I hear?"


But the bearded man has already yanked the bucket from Joe's hands and is grinning from ear to ear as he declares 'that's a loss!' before tossing the bucket in your direction - and it would have hit you had Joe not leapt into action, arms above his head knocking the damn thing off course and dousing him instead.

It's the curse - a loud 'FUCK!' - that startles you awake and a wet Joe Gatto greets you. You blink sleep from your eyes, leap into action on feet that aren't quite ready to stand-- and then you laugh. The other Jokers' brows raise in surprise... before bursting out laughing along with you.


The prank war ends there and then, with Joe picking up the discarded bucket and lobbing it at Q's face (which makes Sal collapse to the ground with laughter) and proceeding towards him with sopping wet hands that rake through his hair and make him look 'even more homeless' (as he'd so eloquently described the grease-esque quality the water had given it). Sitting in Joe's living room, courtesy of you wanting to spend a little time with him due to sleeping most of the day once your turns had been through, you marvel at the new clothes he's clad in, elegantly simple as usual.

"Sorry you got wet on my account," you say quietly, giving him your best apologetic smile. Since he'd explained why he'd been wet there had been a sense of guilt in your stomach; sure, it was really down to Q being an idiot but it's difficult for you to accept such a fact when he'd gotten soaked with freezing water protecting you.

Of course, being Joe Gatto, he only scoffs and brushes you off. "That's the third time you've said sorry, man - let it go."

You laugh as he does and he's sitting beside you on the couch and places a warm palm on your knee. You try not to think about it too much, heat radiating from his skin and through your legwear. There has always been something interesting between the pair of you but neither of you are willing to address it. Not yet - and by the looks of things, Joe is simply being kind as one of his eyebrows dips and the smile on his face broadens into a grin.

"Besides, couldn't let you get all wet. You're adorable when you're asleep."

You smile a wry smile. "Because I'm quiet?"


There's a silence that surrounds you but it isn't uncomfortable, just heavy with unanswered concerns and innocent questions. The huge 'why, why why' that hangs in the air between you is so prominent that you wonder why he hasn't explained himself unprompted yet; you take it upon yourself to make him.

" didn't have to do that," you say tentatively, blinking before glancing down at the hand that is still settled on your leg. Joe is watching you, that brilliant blue gaze that you'd fallen in love with a while ago swimming with emotions that escape you; sometimes it's tiresome, how perfect he is, because you know you can never be up there with him. Suddenly, forcing yourself to break the tension, you nudge him with your elbow. "Why'd you take the loss, dummy?"

Gatto scoffs. "A thank you would suffice."

You're not sure what overtakes you in that moment. Maybe it's the way his grin sobers as you lock eyes; or maybe it's the way that his eyes flicker momentarily to your lips and everything quietens down; maybe it's the way you've wanted him for months. Regardless, something gives you the confidence to push forward and press your lips against his. The hand on your knee vacates to your face, warm skin resting against yours as he caresses and holds you - and you melt, you really do, hands moving to clutch the fabric of his shirt.

You pull away. You don't want to but you do - and you see the Joker looking dazed, eyes flickering open as he regards you with something you've never seen before. The desire for more, the need for more, and it makes you feel hot inside as you take the initiative once more and kiss him again, much harder, much more desperately, action carrying such weight you fear you'll knock him backwards. However, he reciprocates, body sliding towards yours on the couch and tongue all but meshing against yours. A soft moan from you stirs him, makes him grunt.

Pulling back after the intense exchange, you can see him breathing hard, staring at you as if you're the only thing he sees. The Joker leans in again, brushes his mouth against yours and then chuckles lightly, forehead coming to rest against yours as those oceanic orbs stare at you.

"A kiss is better than a thank you."

A grin marks your face wickedly. "And a makeout is better than a kiss."

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