Joe x Reader - Lazy Mornings

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With Summer sun streaming through the curtains in the early morning, it's incredibly difficult to get uninterrupted sleep - and that makes you so cranky it's unbelievable. Now, grunting at your phone as you read fucking 5:43AM, is no different. Slamming your head into your pillow and pulling covers around you defiantly, you decide in that moment that you're going to sleep all day. Just to spite the yellow motherfucker in the sky.

From then on you drift in and out of consciousness, taking in the occasional twitch from the man beside you, hissing at a lone ray of sunlight that has found its way through a crack in the blinds before it moves on... and eventually you're sound asleep once more. And you would have remained that way had Joe not had other plans.

You awaken to the feeling of butterfly kisses on your shoulder, bare body pulled flush against your lover's while he nips at your skin with his teeth. It's not a foreign sensation and it doesn't garner foreign results either: a shiver, a soft sigh before you touch his arm to let him know you're awake (or aware at least).

"Mornin', baby," Gatto purrs, slowly moving against your body. The feeling of his hard length shifting along your rear has your eyes fluttering shut. It's a weakness of yours, sex with Joe, and to say you didn't crave it at pretty much every waking moment - even though controlling yourself was an option you opted for much more often - would be a foul lie indeed.

"A little excited, are we?" But your tone doesn't hold up for long, giving way to a shaky exhalation as his hands slide up the front of your body and cup your breasts, fingers stroking over nipples and feeling them harden under his touch. Liquid heat begins to pool in your belly, entrance slick with wetness as his hands move expertly down your body and cup your hips. His heavy breath in your ear has you shuddering in his grasp.

"Turn around," Joe whispers, voice thick and seductive. "Let me kiss ya..."

And you do. He's in no rush, lips molding perfectly against yours as he kisses you deeply, slowly, tongue caressing yours as a hand shifts to your inner thigh and lifts it enough for him run his tip along your entrance. Moaning softly against his mouth, Joe pulls back and buries his head in your chest, mouth closing over a nipple and suckling softly before he works himself inside you at a languid pace.

The intrusion has you tilting your head back and moaning a long moan, hands scratching lightly up his back, little crescents forming up the back of his neck before you stroke through his hair. "Mm, Joey... kiss me some more..."

Gatto doesn't need to be told twice. He diverts from your breasts, picks his head up and lets yours turn down so that he reach your lips. Thrusts deep and slow, the soft, breathy noises between you are soothing, keep you touching him with purpose as he fills you deliciously, stretches you in the way you adore before pulling out and repeating again and again until you're certain you could be driven mad.

"You feel so good, [Y/N]..." Joe murmurs against the shell of your ear, hot words searing your awareness and making you arch into him. Hair is tossed over your shoulder, his mouth latching onto your neck and suckling in different spots that he sees fit. Leaving gentle marks, light red and wavering before your nails dig into him the slightest bit harder and he knows you're close.

His lips brush your ear, have you whispering 'yes, yes, yes' under your breath as you tug lightly at his hair and listen to the quiet groan he rewards you with. "You go ahead and cum, baby... let's make it a good mornin'."

And his words, so simple yet so sexy, push you over the edge, release shunting you over with wave after wave of pleasure. It isn't intense like usual but it isn't a mere result either. It's satisfying, cures your hunger for him as he continues to fill you until he spills inside of you himself. It's bliss, feeling him empty inside of you with a slightly louder moan of your name as he holds you close and guides your face clumsily to his so that he can kiss you again, messily. As if he canever get enough of that.

When you both calm down enough to make eye contact, you give him the most warm smile he's ever seen, making the sun outside look like a block of ice. His heart thumps, teeth forming a pleasing grin as he pulls your spent body against his and trails kisses from your cheek to your nose before shifting hair out of your face and flattening it down as best he can.

"...God, you're beautiful..." Joe admits, hand slipping from your hair to your cheek, his thumb caressing it softly.

A somewhat wry smile is earned from you. "Stop."

"You know I won't." And the reassurance has you smiling into him as he pulls you into his body, head laying on his bare chest and arms wrapped tightly around one another. Legs tangle together, blankets sprawled listlessly across the bed and over your satisfied forms. You feel like you're glowing because of him, beautiful inside and out. Stray kisses are placed against his chest as he strokes through your hair.

"I love you, Joey."

He chuckles, leans down to kiss the top of your head before righting himself again. "More than you love summer?"

The light slap to his chest has him in hysterics and he feels the curl of your lips against his flesh as you smile stupidly to yourself.

"Could at least say it back, asshole."

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