Murr x Reader - Injuries

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The accident has left his feeling horrible.

After exposing you to a prank in which had taken a turn for the disastrous - strictly speaking, it involved a water pistol in which had been tossed at a wrong angle and walloped you on the side of the head hard enough to render your unconscious - Murr had felt nothing but guilt. Perhaps he should have been more invested in being successful rather than bragging at his 'foolproof plan'; anything with the description of 'foolproof' had evidently not been handled by him.

You turn your head at the sound of the door to your room bursting open and are greeted by a out-of-breath Murray and a bright array of colours in his arms. Flowers. How sweet a gesture.

"I came as soon as they let me through!" he explains, hurriedly pulling up a chair from the corner of the room and setting it in front of your bed. A laugh passes your lips as you raise a hand and place it on his forearm.

"Don't worry - it's nothing major. Just a lump."

You wish that James would look more convinced but the most he can muster is a forced smile, tiny and strained at the edges. It's with a sinking feeling of dread that you regard him, trying to maintain a serious expression that doesn't make your vision swim and your head ache. In and out of focus, his face comes and goes in blurriness you can't control, like a muddied camera lens; functional, but still unclear. Smiling in what you hope is a comforting way, you speak up again.

"Don't worry about it, James. It's not like you did it on purpose."

"I know. I just feel like a jerk."

He looks up at you, deep gaze fixing on your face. It is a gentle hand that he sweeps over your forehead with, apologising through clenched teeth as you wince at the contact. His fingers stray from the bump, don't attempt to touch it again and instead curl in your hair softly, strands of smooth [H/C] sliding through his digits with ease.

James huffs apologetically, hands you the flowers which you accept with a grateful fist to the stalks as you place them on the bedside table. The lack of a vase doesn't stop you appreciating them; in fact, with the flowers pointing at you from their sprawled position on the table, the scents hit you dead on, make you inhale appreciatively. Murr notices and feels a more genuine smile curve his lips. You're so content and it's such a beautiful sight.

"You sure you're gonna be okay?" the Joker asks, brows raising sheepishly as he snags a glance at the large bump on your head and purses his lips in distaste. Caution laces his tone at a rate that has you smiling for he's so bashful about his mistakes that it makes warmth overtake you. You nod once, firmly.

"I'm gonna be fine. Promise."

Murr grins, leans forward and presses a kiss to your forehead, taking care to avoid the lump.

"If you say so, [Y/N]."

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