Joe x Reader - Ultimate Tease

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      The second he'd suggested you have a quickie before his photoshoot with the other guys was the second you'd lost your bearings. His searing kiss had made you dizzy, hands swiping the desk behind you clean as he settled you on the edge of it and shovelled his tongue into your mouth. His taste, the way his hands felt all over you all at once, it was enough to make you desperate. And hell, the fact that he was adorning the most delicious looking suit you'd ever seen had only sealed the deal.

Now, spread-eagled on the desk, laying on your back and bearing witness to the heated lust in his eyes while he slowly fished his hard length out of his dress pants and pumped himself, gazing obviously down your body? You couldn't have been more pleased with your decision to jump at his offer, even if he'd originally been joking.

"Mmm, baby..." Joe whispers, thumb sweeping over his tip and smearing precum down the length of his shaft. You arch in an attempt to entice him closer but he's determined to take his time, the gentle touches he's delivering to himself - while his free hand strokes maddeningly gently at the velvety skin of your inner thigh - driving him crazy. Breath is drawn between his teeth, a low-pitch hiss showcasing his evident arousal all the better as he shuffles in closer and rubs the head of his member against your soaking wet folds. The whimper you release is a sound he deems angelic, a rush of heat coursing through him as he works to keep you on the edge. "Y'want me, [Y/N]?"

"Mmm-mm! Please, Joey– I can't take it!" you cry out, head tipping back, throat exposed as you feel him shift. The desk creaks as he hovers over you, pressing kisses to your exposed breasts before he stands up tall again and hooks his arms around your thighs, pulling you to the edge of the surface. From there, he lets his entire length brush against your opening. The fact that he's not inside you coupled with your own insanity based sorely on the deprivation of his thick girth has you crying out in protest, hands attempting to grasp at the fabric of his pants and guide him further forwards. "Please! Please, God... I need your cock right now..."

Noticing you're on the brink, Joe's lips form a dirty smirk, hips rolling so that the speed of his movements increases; the firmness in which his entire erection rubs against your wet opening also heightens, hand moving up your body to close around your throat. Squeezing delightfully tightly, you stare up at him with large, pleading eyes, silently begging him to enter you with the worst vehemence he can muster.

"You look wonderful–"

–Is all Joe says before he slams hard inside of you.

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