Q x Reader - Lingerie

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The door slams a little harder than necessary as Q arrives home, hair wild and hands balled into fists. To say he'd become frustrated courtesy of a heated argument between him and Murr would be the understatement of the century. Why the fuck could he not just take his goddamn shoes off when they went to Sal's house? Did he get off on annoying people?

Storming about as he does his daily routine of hanging his coat and hat up, slipping his shoes off and huffing to himself in the way he does after a long day, Brian slowly realises that yu're nowhere to be seen.

"[Y/N]...?" he calls, poking his head around the door to look in the kitchen, then the living room. Sometimes he'd find you splayed on the couch, having read yourself to sleep, or sometimes you wouldn't be home from your shift yet. After checking his phone to find no calls or texts from you, brows furrow as he makes him way upstairs. "[Y/N]?"

Pushing the door to his bedroom open - maybe you're napping? - he almost reels back at what he sees. You're laying there on your stomach, legs crossed and poised, with your chin in your hand as you smirk up at him; expensive-looking lingerie adorning your curves perfectly. Q swallows hard, makes his way in front of you.

"Hello," he greets, tone thick as his eyes rake down your back and over the curve of your rear. "...what do we have here?"

You stand on your knees and lean in, kissing him modestly on the lips. His hands don't reach out to touch you yet; he knows the game, there's somethingyou're keeping from him. "I was waiting for you to get home, Bri... missed you..." Your hands trail slowly over his shoulders, watching as he watches you, dark brown eyes flickering between excitement and assertiveness. "Oh... tense. Rough day...?"

"I have a feeling it's about to get rougher..." And the double meaning makes you snicker as you press your scantily-clad body against his firm one, revelling in the warmth of him as your fingers graze over the buttons of his shirt and begin to deftly undo them.

"I hope so," you reply in a quiet voice, opening his shirt and trailing the tips of your fingers down his chest, all the way down to his waistband. Q's pulse increases, hands clenching lightly by his sides as he wills himself to concentrate on the soft touches you're distributing. You're driving him mad, an erection already beginning to form in his pants as he thinks about pinning you to the bed and ravaging you. Hands begin to undo his belt, fingers skillful as it slips to the floor and the button of his jeans is popped open. "Maybe we can find a... suitable way to get rid of your aggression..."

"Maybe," Brian murmurs, patience running thin as you slide his jeans to his thighs. He kicks them off slowly, gaze darkening to a point that his eyes are all but black with lust. His breaking point is when you lean in and press a single open-mouthed kiss to his pulse point, a hand slipping over the bulge in his underwear. He can take no more.

You're flying backwards before you can comprehend it, back hitting the bed as Q mounts you and kisses you hard. Rough hands grab at soft skin, tongue shoveled into your mouth as he grinds into you. The sensation makes you moan in his ear, legs coming to wrap around his waist as your eyes flutter shut.

"Oh, Bri, use me. I can take it..."

And he doesn't have to be told twice, one hand moving to a breast and kneading it roughly while his other slips between your legs and rubs at the wetness that has long since formed. Had you been touching yourself before he'd come? The thought makes him harden even further, a shaky sigh of relief exiting him when you free him of his underwear and he kicks them irresponsibly across the room. Slapping your hand away when you attempt to take him in a tight little fist, you whimper and look up at him pleadingly.

"No. I want to do it," Q growls, before taking himself in a hand and rubbing his tip against your barely-there underwear before he moves up your body and shunts his hips forwards so that his tip pushes past your lips. The relief you gain from such an action has you closing your eyes once more, the taste of him making you shiver. "Better get me nice and soaked, [Y/N], because I won'twait."

And you don't have to be told twice either, leaning up on your elbows before moving your head up and down along his shaft. He's watching you keenly, lips pursing and the thought of him assessing how well you're doing has your cheeks flushing as you work harder to get him off. You assume you're doing well because a hand slips between your legs once more and shifts the underwear out of the way, two fingers jamming inside of you quick enough to make you yelp with pleasure.

Head bobs, saliva-soaked erection being pulled from your mouth after a few moments more and you whine at the loss of him before Q pulls you by the thighs to lay down and lines himself up with your entrance before filling you. Your entire body spasms, arches up against his with desperation and his mouth clashes against yours roughly as he kisses you senseless. Lips left pink and somewhat bruised, he pulls away and bites at your neck while your hands pull harshly at his hair.

Pace builds, his hips slam so hard you're screaming with every thrust and it feels so good that it doesn't take long at all. You're shaking, begging him to let you cum, and he stops. Pulling out of you, he lets you writhe and plea for him to come back, his hand moving over himself as he jerks off at the sight of you so desperate. Flushed cheeks and wild hair, puffy lips and half-lidded eyes that glint with lust... it's all enough to make him stop, before he finishes too early.

"You wanna cum?"

"Please, Brian– I-I've been good, I just wanted to make you feel good..."

The admission has him lowering, tongue lapping against your entrance and you keen at the feeling of him. Flattening his tongue against your clit and moving his head to cause friction, you wail and squirm as a hand moves to, once again, tug at his thick hair. Mouth coats the bundle of nerves, tip of his tongue flicking expertly against it as you shudder and shake, warning him of your oncoming release.

"That's it, baby, you want it so bad, don't you? Did we get a little carried away before I came home? Were you thinking about this?"

All you can do is whine, breathing 'yes, yes, I did, I was, p-please let me finish!'and Q finally relents, fucking you with his mouth until you spurt sporadically with your release. Your lover wastes no time in cleaning you, every last drop of you recovered by his searching tongue before he pulls up and jams himself into your mouth, cumming hard.

Struggling for breath, you stare up at him but he just steels his gaze.

"Swallow." It's an order, one that takes you a second to obey and in that second he's gripped your hair and leaned in closer to your face. "Fucking swallow."

Once you do, you open your mouth to prove it and he releases you, letting you flop back against the bed with ragged sighs breaking the quiet. He's beside you in a heartbeat, breathing hard, and you're pleased to know that you're not alone in the mindless pleasure that has been granted to you. You'll take being used any day if it's Q that does it.

"By the way–" The voice that breaks the silence, the tone that has you melting all over again as you turn your head to find him smirking wolfishly at you. He's thoroughly satisfied, chest rising and falling to the beat of your heart as he recovers from his mind-blowing orgasm.

"You have amazing taste in lingerie."

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