Murr x Reader - 'Are You Wearing My Shirt?'

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The question carries as you set about making Christmas cookies. Your stomach has been grumbling since six AM and, being the hopeful soul that you are, you had stayed in bed until nine with the intention of falling back asleep. It hadn't happened, though you were no grumpier because of it. Sure, it's early, but since when has there not been an 'appropriate time' to make holiday treats?

"Seriously, sweetie, are you wearing it?"

For a moment, you allow a beat to pass between you. A smirk tugs at one corner of your lips as you tug the fabric further down your thighs, only a few buttons done up at the top in order to conceal your breasts. And then, finally, feeling sorry for the fumbling in the other room:


He's coming in a moment later, smelling rich with cinnamon and candy. He's been promising you'd bake together for a while but since he can't actually use the oven without burning the entire kitchen down, you'd opted to let him take a more practical route: buying the supplies necessary, going out of his way to be imaginative enough to buy assortments of additions to go atop buns and cakes and cookies. You hope it hasn't been a mistake.

Hands settle on your waist, watch as you fiddle with temperatures and scales, making sure the red arm is settled finely on the zero before you begin to measure anything.

"I'll be needing that if you want me to go out," Murr murmurs by your ear, hearing your lips part into a cheeky smile before you've turned around and rested back against the counter.

"I'm wearing nothing under this," you caution, though all James does is shrug lightly and take to slowly unbuttoning the shirt. One by one, buttons are pushed aside and he's marveling at your breasts as he leans forward and kisses you softly. The fact that he never touches them, never even regards them after he's had his moment of ogling... it makes you feel loved; to know he's not interested in you solely because of your body.

When he pulls away, he holds his hand out expectantly and you allow your shoulders to shrug the material off of you, making a show of dragging it down your arms before placing the sleeve into his hand and watching as strong digits clasp around it definitely.

James grins, lower lip caught between his teeth as his expression turns cheeky. "Looking good, hun."

Lightly, you slap his arm with an arm. "...go to the store, James."

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