Joe x Reader - Ice

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Ice coats the ground and you're hand in hand with the man you've dedicated years of your life to. With marriage under your belt, you and Joe have had nothing but happiness come your way. Of course you'd suffered hardships, times that had made you crack and him fall distant with stress, but you'd always come back to one another in the end, surviving the difficulties and using one another as coping mechanisms in your day to day lives.

Now, however, you're in a particularly soft patch. Money is of no issue and the two of you have been discussing a child... but for now you're content with just the one by your side; Joe is child enough for both of you.

"Chilly out, huh?" Joe pipes up from beside you as you walk across the road that leads you back home. It's a fairly simple walk, but the rate at which winter approaches has the trees sheathed in frost and the windows of the homes and shops you pass steamed up with clashing heat and chill. Beautiful, really, and it makes it even better that the traffic has slowed due to the slippery conditions.

You nod your head, squeeze his glove-clad hand and smile at him adorably. "Sure is. Glad I decided to bring my scarf. I did tell you so."

Joe chuckles, lightly tugs his collar and the glimpse of the skin of his throat has you swallowing thickly as you carry on, him sniffing in distaste at his own foolish choice. Leaving his scarf had been in a fit of childish ferocity; he had wanted so desperately to be right about it not being 'too cold' that he had purposefully not taken his own, assuring you that he wouldn't need it while you tied your own lightly around your neck and shrugged your shoulders at him.

"Y'did, I get it-- you were right," the Joker retorts with a joking roll of his eyes before he nudges you with a wide grin. In turn, you cup your ear with your free hand and lean in to him a little, eyebrow raised.

"What was that? I could have sworn you said I was right."

"Yeah yeah, calm your--"

And he would have finished his sentence had your foot not slid out from under you, sending you lurching forwards with a squeal. Joe reacts quickly, tightens his hold on your hand and pulls you so that you fly backwards. Luckily his arms are there to support you.

You stare up at him, mouth slightly agape in shock and the deep blue of his eyes is locked on [E/C] intensely... before he gives way and laughs. Feeling your cheeks flush with embarrassment, you scowl up at him and narrow your eyes before he picks you up and straightens you out. Ice... you hate the goddam stuff.

"Not so smug now, huh?" Joe titters, grin shaping his jaw in that way you love. To avoid becoming enarmoured with it, you avert your gaze and huff.

"Hush up. Gatto's are mean."

He snorts. "You're a Gatto too, y'know."

Lightly, Joe jabs you in the side, making you squirm away with a yelp of laugher. Faces turn to look at one another and you can hardly keep yourself from laughing with him before rejoining your hands together and continuing down the side-walk in one another's tight grip.

Ice may be a pain but it had driven you into his arms - so how annoyed can you really be?

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