Joe x Reader - It's An After Party, All Right

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You know you're in for something when he comes into the room to film the web chat courtesy of his loss, and all he does is groan and flop onto the plush couch beneath him. Crossing your legs, you find it in you to grin at his misfortune before tilting your head and giving him a sweet smile; one that's bound to push at his buttons.

"All recovered?"

Joe scoffs, picks his head up enough to look at you before letting it thump dully against the cushions once more. "Oh man..."

You don't have to ask him about it. The punishment had been rough, a test of his patience and an ultimate embarrassment. You'd never seen him fuel so red before, so lost in his own cluelessness that he'd simply stood there and squirmed. Oddly satisfying too, to see his usual bravado in tatters as he'd blushed and fumbled over words that were never really his to control.

Hovering over him, Joe opens his eyes as your shadow blocks the light of the room to find you smiling down at him. He puffs his cheeks, sighs and rolls his eyes. He doesn't have to ask 'what?' for you to get the message.

"When does the web chat start?"

The Joker twists his wrist, bringing his watch to his face. "Danny said he was runnin' a little late. Fifteen minutes or so."

"Hm." And that's the end of it, for you lean down to give him a soft kiss. Gatto responds in kind, shifts a hand to rest it on your face before he pulls away; his own irritation makes it so that he can't focus on you for long without remembering the pain-staking embarrassment he'd had to endure for the sake of entertainment. He loves his job, his show, his friends... but really, he could do without feeling like a total fool sometimes, especially on days like today when he'd been up to his neck in work and responsibilities.

What does jar him slightly is your hand ghosting over his groin, his head picking up to look at you questioningly. When all you do is give him that coquettish little smile, teasing and yet charmingly coy, the Joker lays his head back and doesn't even bother trying to stop you. Jeans unbuttoned, belt tugged loose, he flips his wrist to his face again.

"Twelve minutes," he reminds you bluntly, though his tone dwindles into nothing when you fish him out of his underwear and stroke him softly. Sighing heavily, Joe closes his eyes and allows himself to feel. It overrides the mortification that had been deep-set in his veins mere moments ago, a tense exhalation of defeat passing his lips as you lean down and kiss his tip lovingly.

"That's more than enough time," you murmur, lips locking tightly around the top of his shaft and sucking hard, the sudden vehemence of your actions making his fingers dig into the plush surface of the couch with a small hiss. Your wet mouth does wonders to him, makes his eyes flutter shut whenever he tries to force them open to look at you. A tiny giggle passes your lips as you pull away, run your tongue over the slit and then take him down to the base with such unexpected dedication that he lurches upwards to watch.

"Fuck me, [Y/N], what's gotten into you...?" Joe chuckles weakly, resting a hand on top of your head while it bobs up and down his shaft, lips dragging and tongue lavishing whenever you come up for air. To say that the taste of him makes you weak with desire is the most gross understatement you can think of, underwear dampening as he twitches in your mouth. "Ah, yeah... just like that, sweetheart..."

Joe begins to thrust slightly, frustrations beginning to relieve as he takes them out on you. Moaning at how good he feels, you pull your lips away and, ignoring his protests as he'd been close to the edge, you lift your skirt and sit atop him, the feeling of his hard member rubbing against your panties causing you to close your eyes and moan softly.

"Mm, Joey... you feel so good..." you whisper, shifting your hips along him and watching as he leans his head back and breathes hard. You take your opportunity, lean your body over him and push your breasts against his chest, lips playfully tugging at his earlobe as you continue to whisper to him. "I wish I could feel you inside me. It'd feel so much better..."

Gatto groans, shifts his hips to aid the friction that builds between you. He can feel how wet you are even through your underwear, hands moving to clasp at your ass as he guides the movements over his hard shaft. Continuous motion, laboured breath between you before you pull back and slip to the floor, hands grasping the comfortable material of the couch he's laying on. Lips lazily graze his erection, eyes searching his for some reaches of carnality.

"Wanna taste you, Joe," you mumble, voice half-muffled by his throbbing tip as you suck him softly, a hand shifting to feel at his inner thighs. The feather-light touches make him bristle, arch upwards and grunt with effort as release dawns on him like the rising sun. "Mmm, I can feel you tensing up... wanna cum?"

Joe cracks his eyes open, turns his head to look at you - and then he's arranging himself on his knees in a flash, hand tangling in your hair as he guides you onto his length and thrusts impatiently into your mouth. The second you feel his hot load hitting the back of your throat is the second you decide to release a long, low, fulfilled moan, delicious vibrations sent up his member as he cums hard.

Once he's finished, he crumples back against the couch and allows a satisfied groan to escape the confines of his throat, you kneeling there and wiping your mouth with the back of your hand; any traces of him go unseen, though you bring your skin to your mouth anyway and lap at it to be sure. No spillages, no mess - nobody would be any the wiser.

Adjusting your skirt, you stand up and give him a happy smile, tongue poking at the corners of your lips before you twist his wrist to look at his watch. "Oop, the web-chat guys should be here soon. Have fun, okay, Joey?"

And with that, you happily stride away, leaving him in a pile of confusion and heaving breath as you open the door and take your leave. Moving down the corridor of the corporate building, you bump into the usual camera man.

"Oh, hi! Joe's waiting for you in the room up there."

"I know. I thought I'd come back in a couple of minutes."

The words have a weight dropping into your stomach, a flush creeping up the back of your neck as you raise a hand and cover your mouth, masking it as a scratch at your chin. "Um... y-you mean you were there, or...?"

Dan smirks despite himself. "Oh yeah. I was there."

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