All x Reader - How They Turn You On

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Q turns you on by taking a more rough approach. When he's in the mood to be intimate with you - and this is by no means a rare thing - he will all but slam you against the nearest surface and kiss you so hard you forget how to breathe, his lips curving into a perfect smirk you as cling to his shirt, material balled up in your fists. He'll marvel at the way your knees shake as he pushes himself closer to you and will begin to assault your neck, leaving visible marks behind.

Sal turns you on by taking you by surprise. You'll be cooking and he will sneak up behind you, so smoothly you don't even realise he's there, before pressing feather light kisses to the back of your neck whilst his hands slip down your sides and tease the edges of your hips. Or you'll be cuddling on the couch and he'll suddenly turn so that his lips graze your ear and you're left shuddering in anticipation as he murmurs 'I can't concentrate on the film, baby... wanna go upstairs with me?'.

Joe turns you on by being forward. He has such a personality that whenever he goes for something, it's never quite demanding, just aggressive enough to make you weak in the knees. He'll nibble on your ear lobe and you'll mumble 'Joe, not now...' because you're never willing to admit how desperate he makes you feel - and he'll persist, hot breath by your ear as he murmurs 'But I want to. And I know with some persuasion you will too, [Y/N]...' before trailing ravenous kisses from your jaw to your throat, hands fluttering all over your body as you're left to slowly melt into him.

Murr turns you on by being overtly dominant. Being rather sweet in nature, you love it when his conniving side comes out; nothing turns you on more than when he tricks you into coming into the kitchen, only to leave you confused when you don't see him immediately. He takes advantage of your disorientation, pinning you to the kitchen counter with your back against his chest, groin pushing forwards into your rear in a way that just makes you push back against him. When you moan softly, he makes raunchy comments about how good you sound beneath him

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