Joe x Reader - Snackages

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"Stop with the puppy-eyes, man."

It's been this way for several minutes now, with you on your knees in front of the Joker, hands resting on his while you look up at him pleadingly. There are many things you want from Joe Gatto... but this time it's just his doughnut.

"Aww, c'mon, Joey!" You plead, tilting your head and resting it on your hands that are settled on his knees. He gives you an unimpressed look, brows raising while his mouth, stuffed to the brim with his snack, forms a thin line. You just pout and flutter your lashes in a way you know he thinks is adorable, even though you're just mocking him. "You have another three doughnuts. I can see them."

"I have another three bellies to feed."

Joe gestures to his stomach, rubbing it with his palm and you can't help but snigger... if only you could be as accepting of your body as he is with his. When all is said and done though, you're not going to allow him to make jibes at himself at the expense of your humour so you soften and reach a hand to pat at his tummy also, an encouraging smile on your face.

"Just a half?"

He seems to debate for a while, eyes shifting to look down and to the left; you try desperately to catch them, to guiltily lose yourself in that brilliant blue gaze-- but it seems he's caught on to your puppy-dog tactics and is no longer accommodating them for he avoids eye contact with you... before sighing and offering you the half-eaten doughnut in his hand.

Triumph overtakes your thoughts as you snag the treat, all but cramming it into your mouth so that he can't change his mind. A tense silence passes, one in which he does nothing but stare at you in disbelief... before he laughs hard, the sudden sound filling your ears. He's loud - but you wouldn't have him any other way.

"Holy shit! I gave it--!" Joe exclaims through belly laughter. "Oh, man..."

You just grin sheepishly, tilting your head as you chew the doughnut with a lot of effort. It's difficult to chew with your mouth so full, even more difficult to breathe, but since it's made him laugh and you've gotten a treat out of it, it's totally fine. You accept it.

Once you manage to swallow the doughnut down, you flash him a smug smirk. "Tastes good."

"You missed a spot." Joe doesn't elaborate, just reaches a finger forwards and swipes icing from your nose. Blinking, a giggle passes the confines of your lips... before you lean forwards with speed unlike your own, taking the Joker's finger into your mouth and sucking the icing. He doesn't say anything, just watches you with a stare that's a little too focused to be meager speculation, eyes locking onto the motions you're making with your mouth before you pull away with a 'pop!' of his fingers.

"Like I said, tastes good."

There's seldom a time that the Joe Gatto is rendered speechless - but this is certainly one of them. For approximately five seconds, not a single thing about him twitches. However, when he appears to recollect himself, build his resolve with the futility of making a house of cards in a blizzard, he smirks.

"Might be offerin' more some time." he comments off-handedly, staring down at you. You resume your original position, dart your tongue across your lips and rest your head on his knee, shrugging comically.

"I might just take you up on that."

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