Murr x Reader - It Worked

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Pulling the door to his bedroom open, you notice him peek his head out of the blankets and stare at you with half-lidded eyes. Clearly on the brink of sleep before you'd interrupted him, Murr raises a brow and grunts in order to wake himself up, reaching a hand up to rub at his eyes with the back of it.

"Hey... what's up, [Y/N]?"

"It's freezing. No matter what I do I can't get wa–" You pause suddenly, feeling a distinct chill crawling up your arms and spine. A lazy glance to the window and you're appalled to see it swung open; and now you've noticed, the room feels like ice. You reach your hands to your arms in order to rub at them. Casting a glare at the Joker, you pout. "What the hell, James?!"

"You can sleep in my bed if you want," he replies, seeming to be much more awake than before. In the dark, you can make out the lofty lift of his lips, the almost drunken curl of his mouth as he smirks at you. No sooner have the words left him have you charged to his bed, body flung beneath blankets and coiling them tightly around yourself. Without thinking, you bury your body into Murr's and shiver.

The contrast of warmth here, under his blankets and arched into his body, it's something that has you sighing with tangible relief. Part of you wants to barrage him with abuse until he hauls ass and closes the damn window... but the more selfish part of you protests endlessly, requires his body heat in order to nurse your own back to a favourable temperature.

"Trust you to have the window open. It's in the minuses," you remark quietly, chin dipping beneath the duvet. Against your back, you feel his front pressing against you, an arm moving to slip around your stomach. Part of you wants to ask him what he's doing... but the other, more docile side of you, appreciates the soft embrace; the warmth of his fingers having your insides somersaulting as you snuggle close in the darkness.

"What does that mean?" James asks quietly, voice hushed and close to your ear. For a moment, you take your lower lip between your teeth and will yourself not to give in to the pleasant tingles he's delivering, most likely against his knowledge (though he's conniving enough to have planned it too and you don't doubt that much for a second). It takes concentration, solid will-power, to not fall victim to the enchantment the situation presents to you; easily able to get lost in the gentle atmosphere that has settled between you, all but domestic as you lay there in his hold.

"Never mind," you mumble, closing your eyes and shimmying back into his body. James clears his throat, remains solid in order to guiltily absorb the friction you're mindlessly providing him. "Just let me sleep."

"Sure." And he's quiet from then on, leaving you to bask in the heat building between your bodies, so much so that you almost consider sticking a leg out from the blankets and letting yourself cool off. It's with a slightly wounded pride that you admit to yourself that you adore the way Murray's body compliments the curve of your own, his front melded snugly against your back while you clutch blankets to your chin. "Y'know, this may be the only foolproof plan to have worked..."

Awareness swims, falters like a camera lens catching the glare of the sun before fading into shadowed submission. "...what're you talking about...?"

"I left the window open on purpose. I knew you'd get cold. I hoped you'd come in here."

You can hear his smirk, so succinct against the shell of your ear as he drives you into his body and rocks his hips once. Swallowing hard, cheeks flushing slightly, you try to understand his confession. He could've... no. You're not going to tell him that. That he could have just asked.

"Must be proud," you murmur quietly, shaking your head. What he doesn't see due to you being back to front is the smile that shapes your lips favourably. Maybe he'll never know how pleased with this outcome you are - and maybe you're okay with that.

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