Murr x Reader - Drunken Nights

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He's practically piggybacking you as he kicks open the front door wide enough to shuffle through it while your palms press clumsily against his chest and shoulders as your feet swing on either side of him. Murr is, quite honestly, used to being the drunken one, and though he's often within the limits of his own lightweight tolerance, he can't remember a time he's deviated from it so far that he's gotten as drunk as you currently are.

"Jamessssss," you slur, then hiccup over your words. Murr sets you down on one side of the couch before moving to the door and closing it again. It's with a heavy sigh that he does before he collapses on the opposite end of the couch.

Even in your drunken haze, you can comprehend how tired he appears, what with bags under his eyes and how his limbs flop to the side and how his eyes unsuspectingly flutter closed while you practically hold your breath whilst taking in his features. Even in your drunken haze, you can comprehend how beautiful he is; and perhaps, with emboldened confidence, you can comprehend how badly you want him.

You shuffle in close and rest your head on his shoulders before nudging his neck with your nose. Murr sighs softly, most likely at his sensitive skin being touched, and this propels you to deliver a soft array of kisses while nonsensically thanking him for taking you home. A tiny sound akin to a moan passes his lips, a hand reaching out and resting on your knee as he turns his head to you and kisses you softly. Insistent you are, and it isn't long before you're prying his mouth open and exploring his mouth with your tongue, hands clamping on each side of his face as your cheeks burn red. The Joker responds, sighing heatedly into your mouth... before he pulls away and puts his hands on your shoulders to hold you back.

"You're drunk, [Y/N]," he says wearily, though the words don't have the warning effect he wants them to for his cheeks are flushed and he's breathing hard and his shirt is a mess from how you'd tugged at his collar– the sight is delightful, even though you're intoxicated as hell. Rolling your eyes, you lean in once more but feel him hold you back. "No, [Y/N]. Not tonight."

This time, the message clicks in your head. He doesn't want to take advantage of you. As drunk as you are, you do spare a few seconds to understand and feel a pleasant warmth in your chest before you watch him stand up and offer his hands. Cluelessly, you take them.

"Let's get you to bed," James says, cute little half-smile forming as he begins to lead you towards the stairs.

"You're coming too?"

"I'll tuck you in, so to speak."

You pout at him all the way up the stairs, stumbling once or twice and being overly gracious when Murr is there to make sure you don't fall. His arms secure themselves around your waist by the time you reach the top stair and you've given up on walking entirely, letting him pull you along as gracefully as possible. He's incredibly strong for somebody who's built like a pencil.

The Joker pulls back the covers and sits you down on the bed before making his way out of the door. For a moment, you believe you've been left to your own devices and so slip under the covers with a sadness more heavy than you expected... but James returns with a glass of water and aspirin in hand and puts it by your bedside, perching on the side of your bed and running his hand over your hair.

Looking up at him wantonly, your eyes flutter closed when his knuckles brush your flushed cheeks, a soft sigh passing his lips as he stands up and then presses a tender kiss to your forehead while you giggle at the warmth of his body when he leans in. A hand snags the material of his shirt, but Murr just chuckles and shakes his head at you, loosening your grip with a simple flick of his wrist.

"You're gonna have one hell of a hangover in the morning," James warns, leaning against the door-frame. Eyeing him lazily, you find it in you to shrug languidly at him.

"Won't see me caring."

He can hardly stop himself from laughing. "Just as well you've got me to do it for you."

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