Murr x Reader x Joe - Two For One

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You don't get to say anything more, for Murr kisses you hard enough to silence you while Joe slips in at your side and shifts your hair to have his mouth beside your ear. You arch your back, a soft moan leaving your lips as Murr's hands travel down your body.

"Don't think we didn't hear ya talkin' about this," Joe murmurs, a large hand slipping down your front in such a forward fashion it has your breath hitching , hands scrabbling desperately at the material of his shirt. "Drunk confessions with Q? Naughty girl..."

"I–I–" But no words come out, only a heat that coats your cheeks and consumes your being whole as Joe's teeth lightly scrape your earlobe, fingers slipping into the waistband of your pants and circling your dampened underwear with skill that has you shaking. Murr has undone your shirt, fingers pinching at your nipples before he attaches his mouth to one, your hand making its way up the back of his neck in order to hold his head still. "O-Oh God..."

Joe purrs, chuckling huskily as his fingers shift the material aside and are inserted lazily inside of you. "Mm... what were the words you used? 'I would let Joe fuck me senseless'?," At this, he pauses, lips trailing down your neck and leaving a mark before he reassigns his teeth to your lobe. "'I would suck James' dick until he couldn't stand, while Joe was fuckin' me'? Is that what you said, [Y/N]?"

"I–I was drunk..."

"And yet here we are, [Y/N]. And you're lovin' this..."

You say nothing, for what is there to say? You're dripping wet, aching to your very core and all you can think about is the earth-shattering moment in which Joe forces you onto your hands and knees and finally pushes inside of you. As another finger enters you, you cry out and nod frantically.

"Please, oh my God– please!"

The pair don't have to be told twice. The men pull back, taking turns at stripping you of the articles of clothing you still bear before Joe guides you onto the ground (admittedly, a lot more gently than you would like). Blinded by lust, you stare up at the pair of them, watching as a smirk curls James' lips as he tugs on his belt and offers his erect length to you; you all but drool at the sight, mouth latching on to him before he can get a word in edgeways.

A gruff moan leaves Murr's throat as you descend upon his entire member, gagging as it hits the back of your throat. Persevering, you don't let it deter you, bob your head back and forth at a maddening pace that has you desperately staring up at the man. His head is tilted back in a picturesque version of pleasure, and as your hands slide up his legs to stroke at his balls, Joe kneels beside you and runs a hand down your spine, revelling in the way you arch into him and beg under your breath for his touch.

Joe's fingers enter you, this time much more fluidly, fingers pumping in and out at a pace that has you squealing with pleasure. Eventually, he grows impatient and mounts you with his weight, you momentarily pausing with Murr's hardness still stuffed in your mouth while the other man adjusts you. He pushes in - and for a moment you have no choice but to tear your mouth from the Joker's erection to gasp for air as Joe begins to slide in and out of you at a pace that leaves you breathless.

You're shocked back into reality when Murr's hand tangles in your hair and forces you to look up at him. "I didn't say stop."

Eyes flutter closed as you whimper with desperation, mouth sheathing him once more as Joe's hips slam into you, you keening enthusiastically with every perfect movement he makes. The combination of James' hard shaft in your mouth and Joe's fast pace as he shunts you slightly across the floor makes your already dripping entrance even more slick, a hand sliding down your body and stimulating your clit. Pleasure shoots through your enter being, melts you from the inside out as you stick your rear further into the air; Joe rewards you with a light slap, palm stroking the reddened spot with softness that leaves you shivering.

Minutes go by and suddenly James' moans generously and cums hard in your mouth. "O-Oh, fuck, [Y/N]– better get it all..."

Joe leans in and you feel his smirk as you tilt your head back and swallow. "That's a good girl. Better clean the man up nice and good, hm?"

You just nod, all but delirious,tongue sliding over his tip until there's nothing left. Joe hums his contentment, James' legs giving out as he crumples into a laying position, hand stroking his member softly as he picks his head up and watches Joe pull out of you, guiding you to your knees.

"Now me." And that's all he has to say as you open your mouth and wait, the taste of James still fresh on your tongue. When his thick load hits your tongue, his groans gratify you to no end, finger sliding faster over your clit and it is with a euphoric scream that you yourself orgasm. As Joe finishes, his fingers card softly through your hair and then let you lower to the ground in a spent heap.

The two men are beside you in seconds, the material of their shirts rubbing against you from either side of your body and making you shudder, Joe behind you while Murr takes to gently pressing kisses to your throat, a hand sliding tenderly over your side. Joe's hand settles on your hip, fingers circling your flesh, soft pants fanning against your ear as you lay there and take in what the hell had just happened.

"" Is all you can whisper, heat on your cheeks still visible. The pair chuckle.

"Wow is right," Murr replies, grin audible as he peppers your collar bones with kisses. Joe exhales breathily, laughs a more sincere laugh as he presses a kiss to your cheek.

"Holy shit, [Y/N]. Should've hit us up with your kinky side months ago!"

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