Q x Reader - Record Time!

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This had always been the fun part.

Being with Q has its ups and downs, mostly ranging from depressing separation to wild nights of passion to make up for lost time. However, this time you've joined them on tour (with the okay of all the guys, considering they knew how you felt about Q and you wouldn't be able to see him for months otherwise) and it's been difficult remaining reserved around him in a setting - namely, the beds - in which you can actually interact with him.

As of now, they're about to go on stage, ten minutes to go at most, and it's then that you feel an imposing weight against your back that drives you forwards into the wall. Lips attach themselves to your neck and you're lost in the man you know is behind you, his hand sliding between your legs and applying pressure in the place you always want him the most.

"Q–" You breathe, lost in translation as he catches your earlobe between his teeth and murmurs heated syllables against the shell of your ear that have your knees shaking, one hand reaching behind you to stroke at the forming hardness in his pants. A low groan fills your senses and it causes a moan to tumble past your lips before you can even think to stop it. "You're on stage in seven..."

"Better be quick then," he mouths, turning you quickly to face him and kissing you hard on the lips, fingers diving past the waistband of your panties and stroking at your already-wet folds. God, it feels good and you let loose a sharp squeak of surprise as he inserts a finger inside of you, followed closely by another. "Mm, you always feel so good, [Y/N]. Quiet down though - don't wanna get caught."

The distinct sound of his fly unzipping has your brows arching with desperation as you back yourself harder against the wall and feel his knuckles brush your thigh as he pulls your legwear down your thighs and holds you in his arm, your legs around his waist; Q holds himself in his free fist, fingers jerking a couple of times before he guides himself inside of you with a muffled growl of approval.

Q wastes no time in building up a rhythm that has you clinging onto his shoulders for dear life. He catches your eye and that does it for you as you pull him in for a kiss,all teeth and tongue as he moves in and out of you in fluid motions that make your breaths shudder with weakness. His thumb brushes against your clit and you pull away from his lips to tip your head back against the wall, the scratch of his beard turning you on even more as he nibbles and nips your exposed throat.

"Q, you and the guys are on in two!" The call of the host has him grinning at you, a hand moving over your mouth as you moan at the thrill the possibility of being caught gives you.

"Got it!" Brian calls back, thrusting harder into you and you bite down on the skin of his hand as you feel yourself cumming, muffled moan silenced. You feel the man in front of you bury his face in your shoulder, teeth closing on skin as he groans and releases himself inside of you. "Fuck, fuck, fuck..."

Once you both calm down, Q helps you readjust your clothes before doing the same with his own, leaning in and kissing you sweetly. The contrast makes you fall in love that little bit more.

"H–Have a good time out there..." You grin sheepishly, laughing when he gives you a cheesy grin with a thumbs up.

"Will do!"

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